DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 109 · 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35370

Invited Editorial Focus

Position Paper

De Caterina, Raffaele; Husted, Steen; Wallentin, Lars; Andreotti, Felicita; Arnesen, Harald; Bachmann, Fedor; Baigent, Colin; Huber, Kurt; Jespersen, Jørgen; Kristensen, Steen Dalby; Lip, Gregory Y. H.; Morais, João; Rasmussen, Lars Hvilsted; Siegbahn, Agneta; Verheugt, Freek W. A.; Weitz, Jeffrey I.: Parenteral anticoagulants in heart disease: Current status and perspectives (Section II)

Theme Issue Editorial

Theme Issue Article

Trenk, Dietmar; Kristensen, Steen Dalby; Hochholzer, Willibald; Neumann, Franz-Josef: High on-treatment platelet reactivity and P2Y12 antagonists in clinical trials
Cesari, Francesca; Marcucci, Rossella; Gori, Anna Maria; Caporale, Roberto; Fanelli, Alessandra; Casola, Giulia; Balzi, Daniela; Barchielli, Alessandro; Valente, Serafina; Giglioli, Cristina; Gensini, Gian Franco; Abbate, Rosanna: Reticulated platelets predict cardiovascular death in acute coronary syndrome patients

Review Article

Carbone, Federico; Nencioni, Alessio; Mach, François; Vuilleumier, Nicolas; Montecucco, Fabrizio: Evidence on the pathogenic role of auto-antibodies in acute cardiovascular diseases

Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis

Zipperle, Johannes; Schlimp, Christoph J.; Holnthoner, Wolfgang; Husa, Anna-Maria; Nürnberger, Sylvia; Redl, Heinz; Schöchl, Herbert: A novel coagulation assay incorporating adherent endothelial cells in thromboelastometry
Qi, Xingshun; Wu, Feifei; Ren, Weirong; He, Chuangye; Yin, Zhanxin; Niu, Jing; Bai, Ming; Yang, Zhiping; Wu, Kaichun; Fan, Daiming; Han, Guohong: Thrombotic risk factors in Chinese Budd-Chiari syndrome patients
Brodin, Ellen E.; Lerstad, Gunhild; Grimnes, Guri; Brækkan, Sigrid K.; Vik, Anders; Brox, Jan; Svartberg, Johan; Jorde, Rolf; Hansen, John-Bjarne: Serum levels of vitamin D are not associated with future risk of venous thromboembolism
Blondon, Marc; Wiggins, Kerri L.; McKnight, Barbara; Psaty, Bruce M.; Rice, Kenneth M.; Heckbert, Susan R.; Smith, Nicholas L.: The association of smoking with venous thrombosis in women
Bontadi, Agnese; Ruffatti, Amelia; Falcinelli, Emanuela; Giannini, Silvia; Marturano, Alessandro; Tonello, Marta; Hoxha, Ariela; Pengo, Vittorio; Punzi, Leonardo; Momi, Stefania; Gresele, Paolo: Platelet and endothelial activation in catastrophic and quiescent antiphospholipid syndrome

Platelets and Blood Cells

Martín, Mónica; de Paz, Raquel; Jiménez-Yuste, Víctor; Bello, Ihosvany Fernández; Salgado, Elena García Arias; Álvarez, María Teresa; Butta, Nora V.: Platelet apoptosis and agonist-mediated activation in myelodysplastic syndromes

Wound Healing and Inflammation/Infection

Påhlman, Lisa I.; Mörgelin, Matthias; Kasetty, Gopinath; Olin, Anders I.; Schmidtchen, Artur; Herwald, Heiko: Antimicrobial activity of fibrinogen and fibrinogen-derived peptides – a novel link between coagulation and innate immunity

Cardiovascular Biology and Cell Signalling

Animal Models

Hugenholtz, Greg C. G.; Meijers, Joost C. M.; Adelmeijer, Jelle; Porte, Robert J.; Lisman, Ton: TAFI deficiency promotes liver damage in murine models of liver failure through defective down-regulation of hepatic inflammation

New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Roldán, Vanessa; Marín, Francisco; Manzano-Fernández, Sergio; Fernández, Hermógenes; Gallego, Pilar; Valdés, Mariano; Vicente, Vicente; Lip, Gregory Y. H.: Does chronic kidney disease improve the predictive value of the CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc stroke stratification risk scores for atrial fibrillation?
Kikkert, Wouter J.; van Nes, Sophie H.; Lieve, Krystien V. V.; Dangas, George D.; van Straalen, Jan; Vis, Marije M.; Baan, Jan; Koch, Karel T.; de Winter, Robbert J.; Piek, Jan J.; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; Henriques, Jose P.: Prognostic value of post-procedural aPTT in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary PCI

Letters to the Editor

Gambaryan, Stepan; Subramanian, Hariharan; Rukoyatkina, Natalia; Herterich, Sabine; Walter, Ulrich: Soluble guanylyl cyclase is the only enzyme responsible for cyclic guanosine monophosphate synthesis in human platelets