DOI: 10.1055/s-00033285

Journal of Academic Ophthalmology

Issue 01 · Volume 10 · January 2018 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-37684

Research Article

Padidam, Sneha; Wisner, Douglas; Kenney, Brianna; Peterson, Jared; Pizzi, Laura; Leiby, Benjamin E.; Hark, Lisa; Bailey, Robert; the Wills Cataract Research Group: Cataract Surgery Cancellations: An Analysis of Financial and Resident Training Implications at a Major Eye Institution
Pathipati, Akhilesh S.; Tsai, James C.: Eye Care Industry Analysis
Paul, Samantha K.; Scott, Ingrid U.; Paul, Alfred A.; Greenberg, Paul B.: A Virtual Reality Cataract Surgery Course for Residents
Arshad, Jawad; Helms, Richard W.; Orge, Faruk H.; Sayegh, Rony R.: Educational Value of a 3D Printer in Ophthalmology Training
Cobbs, Lucy; Tsui, Edmund; Haberman, Ilyse D.; Kim, Eleanore; Sperber, Laurence; Wu, Mengfei; Schuman, Joel S.: Student Perceptions of the Ophthalmology Curriculum in Medical School
Fuerst, Nicole M.; Watson, Jessica S.; Langelier, Nicole A.; Atkinson, R. Egen; Ying, Gui-Shuang; Pan, Wei; Palladino, Vincent; Russell, Collin; Lin, Vanessa; Tapino, Paul J.; O'Brien, Joan M.: Breaking Bad: An Assessment of Ophthalmologists' Interpersonal Skills and Training on Delivering Bad News
Chen, Tina H.; Colby, Kathryn A.; Rodriguez, Sarah Hilkert; Slidell, Mark B.; Kandel, Jessica J.; Shah, Hassan A.: Availability of Resources for After-Hours Surgical Management of Eye Injuries
Feng, Shu; Taravati, Parisa; Ding, Leona; Menda, Shivali: Burnout in Ophthalmology Residency: A National Survey
Linderman, Wendy F.; Apostolopoulos, Nicholas; Gopal, Anand D.; Encandela, John A.; Teng, Christopher C.; Nwanyanwu, Kristen H.; Forster, Susan H.: Near-Peer Teaching Outreach Programs to Increase Minority Physician Recruitment
Bargoud, Albert R.; Thangamathesvaran, Loka; Patel, Varesh R.; Henseler, Robert; Kass, William; Khouri, Albert S.: Quantifying the Impact of Research on Matching into Ophthalmology Residency
Hakim, Farida Esaa; Malhotra, Varun; Colby, Kathryn A.; Riaz, Kamran M.: Institution of a Surgical Curriculum for Trabecular Microbypass Stent Placement
Siatkowski, R. Michael; Mian, Shahzad I.; Cullican, Susan M.; Green, Laura K.; Sun, Grace; Waxman, Evan L.; Wayman, Laura L.; Stoner, Julie; Chen, Xi; Feldon, Steven; for the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology: Probability of Success in the Ophthalmology Residency Match: Three-Year Outcomes Analysis of San Francisco Matching Program Data
Boese, Erin A.; Lee, Paul P.; Greenberg, Grant M.; Harrison, Richard V.; Weizer, Jennifer S.: Implementation of a Standardized Patient Safety Checklist in Ophthalmic Surgery
Rali, Aditya; Fontus, Jerry; Ward, Laura; Aaron, Maria; Jones, Jeremy; Moore, Elliot; Khalifa, Yousuf M.: Resident Stress Level during Steps of Cataract Surgery
