DOI: 10.1055/s-00000070

Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology

Issue 05 · Volume 23 · October 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44360 Imaging Around the Ends of Bones Guest Editor, Christian Glaser, MD


Review Article

Heimkes, Bernhard; Wegener, Veronika; Birkenmaier, Christof; Ziegler, Christian M.: Physiologic and Pathologic Development of the Infantile and Adolescent Hip Joint: Descriptive and Functional Aspects
Gersing, Alexandra S.; Woertler, Klaus; Jungmann, Pia M.; Bollwein, Christine; Schwaiger, Benedikt J.: Vertebrae, Vertebral End Plates, and Disks: Concepts and Specific Pathologies
Mespreuve, Marc; Bosmans, Frederik; Waked, Karl; Vanhoenacker, Filip M.: Hand and Wrist: A Kaleidoscopic View of Accessory Ossicles, Variants, Coalitions, and Others
Alizai, Hamza; Walter, William; Khodarahmi, Iman; Burke, Christopher J.: Cartilage Imaging in Osteoarthritis