DOI: 10.1055/s-00045654

Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU

Ausgabe 04 · Volume 05 · Dezember 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-46274

Original Article

S., Njinga N.; I., Sule M.; U., Pateh U.; S., Hassan H.; N., Ache R.; T., Abdullahi S.; A., Danja B.: Comparative study on the antimicrobial activity of partitioned fractions of the stem-bark of ceiba pentandra (bombacaceae)
Prakash, Alka; B., Vidya; Suhailah, Wan Nur; Mohanan, Anjali; Ravi; Kundapur, Rashmi; Badiger, Sanjeev: Substance abuse and practices and their consequences among adolescents and young adults in Mangalore
Annigeri, Venkatesh M.; Gadgade, Bahubali D.; Annigeri, Rashmi V.; Halgeri, Anil B.: Upper gastro intestinal foreign bodies in pediatrics patients
Olukemi, Adesiji Yemisi; Osas, Igbinigie Mavis; Olubukola, Olaitan Janet; Jeremiah, Ogah Ikhevha: Bacterial Contamination Associated with Retail Chicken Carcasses in Osogbo, Nigeria
Bharambe, Vaishaly K.; H., Rathod; M., Paranjape V.; N., Kanaskar; S., Shevade; K., Survase; V., Arole; Sakshi, Singh; Gaurav, Brahmbhatt; Feroz, Alam: Awareness regarding body and organ donation amongst the population of an urban city in India

Review Article

U., Shrinivasa Bhat; Cherian, Anish V.; Bhat, Aneesh; Chapman, Helena J.; Lukose, Ammu; Patwardhan, Ninad; Satyanarayana, Veena; Ramakrishna, Jayashree: Factors affecting psychosocial well-being and quality of life among women living with HIV/AIDS

Case Report

V., Sowmya; Kamath, Vijna B.; Nazareth, Nelly E. P.; Rodrigues, F. E. A.: Sight threatening to life threatening parainfectious optic neuritis
Verghese, Riya; Ramesh, Amitha; Bhandary, Rahul; Thomas, Biju; Philip, Nishita L.: Fibroma - A misnomer : Case Series
A., Meenakshi; D., Prashanth Shetty; N., Suchetha Kumari; Mathias, Michelle; Kumar, Karuna Ramesh; Shetty, Jayaprakash: Fluorescence in situ hybridization on Peripheral blood for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia - Rapid and reliable method
K., Subramanyam; Kamath, Janardhan; Johny, Dilip; Joyes, Paul T.: Endovascular stenting for treatment of superior vena cava syndrome
Ameta, Priyanka; Dhyani, Anuj; Nayak, Vignesh Hebri; Goyal, Suresh: Hyper IgE syndrome (hies; job syndrome): A case report