DOI: 10.1055/s-00045654

Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU

Issue 03 · Volume 14 · July 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-59872

Review Article

Soares, Lismeia R.; Casseb, Jorge; Sousa, Luiz Vinicius de Alcantara; Veiga, Glaucia Luciano da; Alves, Beatriz da Costa Aguiar; Gascón, Thaís; Fonseca, Fernando L.A.: Self-Reported Lipodystrophy and Self-Perception of Body Image in Adults with HIV

Original Article

Ahmada, Rafdan Affan; Ramadhanti, Deananda Setio; Surboyo, Meircurius Dwi Condro; Parmadiati, Adiastuti Endah; Ernawati, Diah Savitri; Mahdani, Fatma Yasmin; Ayuningtyas, Nurina Febriyanti: Analysis on the Knowledge about Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders of a Male Motorcycle Community in Indonesia
Anggarista, Kelvin Alfan Nola; Datau, Meysinta A.; Mahdani, Fatma Yasmin; Radithia, Desiana; Ernawati, Diah Savitri; Surboyo, Meircurius Dwi Condro: Knowledge of Dental Students about Erythroplakia as an Oral Potentially Malignant Disorder
Safwan, Abdul; G., Suresh; Shaji, Bipin; Sridhar, Srinitha; Kolar, Reshma; Joel, Juno Jerold: Evaluation of Drug Utilization and Dose Intensity Pattern in Dyslipidemic Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Parmadiati, Adiastuti Endah; Mahdani, Fatma Yasmin; Ernawati, Diah Savitri; Ayuningtyas, Nurina Febriyanti; Surboyo, Meircurius Dwi Condro; Pratiwi, Aulya Setyo; Marsetyo, Riyan Iman; Inastu, Candrika Ramya; Erawati, Vint; Fitri, Adinda Ratna: Prevalence of Tongue Normal Variant Lesions in Geriatric Patients with Hypertension in Surabaya: A Multicenter Observational Study
Shetty, Amarshree A.; Rai, Kavita; Mehrotra, Deepshikha; Hegde, Shipha; Kumara, Kumara; Nayak, U.S. Krishna; D'Souza, Cynthia: Evaluation of Parental Attitudes toward and Awareness of Oral Health in Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Brief Report

Nucci, Ricardo Aparecido Baptista; Nehmi-Filho, Victor Abou; Bastos, Marta Ferreira; de Freitas, Jéssica Alves; Otoch, José Pinhata; Pessoa, Ana Flávia Marçal; Jacob-Filho, Wilson: Modulation of Small-Intestine Morphology in Mice by a Novel Supplement Containing Silybum marianum, Yeast β-Glucan, Prebiotics, and Minerals

Case Report

Patel, Mansi; Shah, Divit; Patel, Sujal; Acharya, Sourya; Kumar, Sunil; Shukla, Samarth: Hypereosinophilia Syndrome: Myriad Presentation—A Case Report
Vats, Garima; DCunha, Aureen; Rai, Sandeep B.; Raghuraj, U.: An Account of a Giant Adolescent Vulvar Lipoma