DOI: 10.1055/s-00000051

Seminars in Plastic Surgery

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 35 · Februar 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50807 Spino-Plastic Reconstruction Guest Editor: Edward M. Reece, MD, MBA, FACS, FAAP

Introduction to the Guest Editor


Review Article

Do, Annie; Davis, Matthew J.; Abu-Ghname, Amjed; Winocour, Sebastian J.; Reece, Edward M.; Holmes, Scott; Xu, David S.; Ropper, Alexander E.; Hansen, Scott L.: The Historical Role of the Plastic Surgeon in Spine Reconstruction
Verla, Terence; Xu, David S.; Davis, Matthew J.; Reece, Edward M.; Kelly, Michelle; Nunez, Mervin; Winocour, Sebastian J.; Ropper, Alexander E.: Failure in Cervical Spinal Fusion and Current Management Modalities
Winocour, Sebastian J.; Xue, Erica Y.; Bohl, Michael A.; Farrokhi, Farrokh; Davis, Matthew J.; Abu-Ghname, Amjed; Ropper, Alexander E.; Reece, Edward M.: Vascularized Occipital Bone Grafting: Indications, Techniques, Clinical Outcomes, and Alternatives
Prablek, Marc; McGinnis, John; Winocour, Sebastian J.; Reece, Edward M.; Kakarla, Udaya K.; Raber, Michael; Ropper, Alexander E.; Xu, David S.: Failures in Thoracic Spinal Fusions and Their Management
Reece, Edward M.; O'Neill, Rebecca C.; Davis, Matthew J.; Abu-Ghname, Amjed; Ropper, Alexander E.; Bohl, Michael; Xu, David S.; Winocour, Sebastian J.: Vascularized Scapular Bone Grafting: Indications, Techniques, Clinical Outcomes, and Alternatives
Winocour, Sebastian J.; Agrawal, Nikhil; Wagner, Kathryn M.; Davis, Matthew J.; Abu-Ghname, Amjed; Shekher, Rohil; Raber, Michael R.; Bohl, Michael A.; Ropper, Alexander E.; Reece, Edward M.: Vascularized Rib Bone Grafting: Indications, Techniques, and Clinical Outcomes
Winocour, Sebastian J.; Schultz, Kelly P.; Davis, Matthew J.; Abu-Ghname, Amjed; Bohl, Michael; Ropper, Alexander E.; Maricevich, Marco; Reece, Edward M.: Vascularized Posterior Iliac Crest Bone Grafting: Indications, Techniques, Clinical Outcomes, and Alternatives
Delancy, Matthew M.; Perdanasari, Aurelia; Davis, Matthew J.; Abu-Ghname, Amjed; Kaplan, Jordan; Winocour, Sebastian J.; Reece, Edward M.; Sim, Alfred Sutrisno: The Advent of Spinoplastics: Easing the Growing Global Disease Burden of Spinal Injury
Skochdopole, Anna J.; Wagner, Ryan D.; Davis, Matthew J.; Raj, Sarth; Winocour, Sebastian J.; Ropper, Alexander E.; Xu, David S.; Bohl, Michael A.; Reece, Edward M.: Vascularized Bone Grafts in Spinal Reconstruction: An Overview of Nomenclature and Indications
Cruz, Alex; Ropper, Alexander E.; Xu, David S.; Bohl, Michael; Reece, Edward M.; Winocour, Sebastian J.; Buchanan, Edward; Kaung, Geoffrey: Failure in Lumbar Spinal Fusion and Current Management Modalities