DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 09 · Volume 38 · July 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-51290

SMFM Fellowship Series Article

Blumenthal, Elizabeth A.; Hooshvar, Nina; Tancioco, Virginia; Newman, Rachel; Senderoff, Dana; McNulty, Jennifer: Implementation and Evaluation of an Electronic Maternal Early Warning Trigger Tool to Reduce Maternal Morbidity
Ausbeck, Elizabeth B.; Allman, Phillip Hunter; Szychowski, Jeff M.; Subramaniam, Akila; Katheria, Anup: Neonatal Outcomes at Extreme Prematurity by Gestational Age Versus Birth Weight in a Contemporary Cohort

Original Article

Matharu, Preet; Cristea, A. Ioana; Slaven, James E.; Becker, Samantha; Niehaus, Jason Z.: Feeding Outcomes for Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Discharged on Nasogastric Feeds
Hopfeld-Fogel, Adi; Kasirer, Yair; Mimouni, Francis B.; Hammerman, Cathy; Bin-Nun, Alona: Neonatal Polycythemia and Hypoglycemia in Newborns: Are They Related?
Teal, Elizabeth Nicole; Lewkowitz, Adam K.; Koser, Sarah L.P.; Tran, Carol B.N.; Gaw, Stephanie L.: Quantifying the Risks and Benefits of Continuing Labor Induction: Data for Shared Decision-Making
Schifsky, Kelly; Deavenport-Saman, Alexis; Mamey, Mary Rose; Sheth, Nidhi; Mirzaian, Christine B.; Schrager, Sheree M.; Chmait, Ramen H.; Vanderbilt, Douglas L.: Risk Factors for Parenting Stress in Parents of Children Treated with Laser Surgery for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome 2 Years Postpartum
Einerson, Brett D.; Rodriguez, Christina E.; Silver, Robert M.; Donnelly, Meghan A.; Kennedy, Anne M.; Woodward, Paula J.: Accuracy and Interobserver Reliability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders
Metzger, Ingrid F.; Thomas, Anna E.; Evrard, Cindy A.; Jones, David R.; Masters, Andrea R.; Haas, David M.; Haneline, Laura S.; Quinney, Sara K.: Stereoselective Analysis of Methadone and EDDP in Laboring Women and Neonates in Plasma and Dried Blood Spots and Association with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome


Vidaeff, Alex C.; Saade, George R.; Sibai, Baha M.: Preeclampsia: The Need for a Biological Definition and Diagnosis