DOI : 10.1055/s-00000012


Issue S 02 · Volume 56 · April 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-59488

ESGE Days 2024
Berlin, Germany, 25.–27.04.2024

Ian Gralnek

Weigt, J.; Göring, C.; Keitel-Anselmino, V.: Freehand suturing during ESD for applying traction
Thomaidis, T.; Kallimanis, G.; Lyros, O.; Kalos, D.; Koutroumpi, M. T.; Zhou, P. H.: Endoscopic resection of an extraluminal subepithelial tumor located on the anastomosis of a previous laparoscopic fundectomy
Mekaroonkamol, P.; Chaima, K.; Laohavinij, W.; Kongkam, P.; Rerknimitr, R.: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Full-Thickness Resection Device for Small Gastric Subepithelial Tumors
Balboa, J. C.; Muñoz-González, R.; Rosinach, M.; Sabater, A. Ortega; Michelena, J.; López-Jurado, R. Temiño; Mata, A.; Turro, R.; Espinós, J.; Uchima, H.: Endoscopic subserosal dissection of a large gastric GIST with risk factors
Baldaque-Silva, F.; Pereira, J. P.; Antunes, P.; Maltzman, H.; Miroslav, V.; Naining, W.; Omae, M.: Topflight Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: a novel technique for the resection of gastric fundus tumors
Capogreco, A.; De Blasio, F.; Massimi, D.; de Sire, R.; Alfarone, L.; Galtieri, A.; Fiacca, M.; Spadaccini, M.; Alessandro, F.; Carrara, S.; Colombo, M.; Antonio, F.; Maselli, R.; Hassan, C.; Repici, A.: A New Pre-Sealing Technique Reduces the Use of Coagulation Forceps in Third-Space Endoscopy: One-Stop Shopping
Cavalcoli, F.; Magarotto, A.; Rausa, E.; Rosa, R.; Borsotti, E.; Benedicenti, F.; Mancini, A.; Lauricella, S.; Vitellaro, M.; Cantù, P.: Cold snare polypectomy in the management of duodenal adenoma in familial adenomatous polyposis