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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1245464
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
EFSUMB-Guidelines für CEUS sind wegweisend und erfolgreich
EFSUMB-Guidelines for CEUS are Directive and EffectivePublication History
Publication Date:
01 June 2010 (online)

K. Seitz
Die von Jäger 2008 [1] gestellte Frage, ob wir neue Guidelines brauchen, war wohl rhetorisch, fand sich doch im Anschluss an sein Editorial die erweiterte Neufassung der EFSUMB-Guidelines für den Gebrauch von CEUS [2]. In dieser Zeitschrift wurden 2004 die ersten Guidelines zu CEUS [3] publiziert und mit höchstem Interesse haben wir diese faszinierende Technik mit zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen begleitet und unterstützt [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]. Mittlerweile hat sich die Methode wissenschaftlich und in der möglichen klinischen Anwendung weiter konsolidiert, ohne ausgeschöpft zu werden [15]. Während Mostbeck [16] in seinem Editorial keinen Stellenwert für CEUS im radiologischen Umfeld von MDCT und MRI sieht und auch mangelhafte Abrechnungsmöglichkeiten dafür verantwortlich macht, sieht B. Braun [17] CEUS auf der Überholspur. Unabhängig von der ungelösten Kostenfrage [18] [19] erweist sich CEUS an der Leber bei nahezu allen Fragestellungen an der Leber als gleichwertig mit MDCT und MRI. Die Basis für diese Arbeiten wurde mit den EFSUMB-Guidelines gelegt, da sich nahezu jede dieser Arbeiten auf dies beruft [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29], ebenso wie die in einem Supplement veröffentlichten Beiträge eines Leipziger Symposions [30] [31] [32].
Wie bereits früher diskutiert, steht die Kontrastmittelsonografie der Leber im Zentrum des Interesses [33]. Im vorliegenden Heft finden sich 2 weitere unterschiedliche Arbeiten, die wir Ihrem Interesse empfehlen möchten. Mithilfe der selektiven CEUS-gestützten Hepatoangiografie [34] gelingt während der TACE-Prozedur der Nachweis zusätzlicher kleiner HCC, was in 11 von 15 Fällen zu einer Änderung der Therapie führte. In einer weiteren Arbeit [35] geht es um die Diagnostik von Leberläsionen unter 1 cm. Dies ist von besonderem Interesse, da relativ wenige Publikationen über CEUS existieren und der diagnostische Wert bei Läsionen kleiner 10 mm kontrovers diskutiert wird [36] [37] [38]. In einer weiteren Arbeit über die FNH – der Paradediagnose der CEUS wird auf den zeitlichen Ablauf der Signalaufnahme eingegangen, wichtig ist der frühe Beginn der Registrierung, da nicht selten bereits 7 sec nach Bolusinjektion die arterielle Phase beginnen kann [39].
Neben dem Schwerpunkt Leber sind Publikationen in unserer Zeitschrift seltener zu finden, da die Indikation zu CEUS an anderen Organen nach den Guidelines [2] meist eingeschränkt [40] [41] oder auf die Anwendung in Studien beschränkt [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] sind, wenngleich CEUS im gezielten Einzelfall sehr wohl diagnostisch sein kann [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]. Umso wertvoller scheint uns die dritte CEUS-Arbeit zu Milzmetastasen [52], zumal diese selten sind und die Differenzierung von fokalen Milzläsionen immer schwierig ist.
Wir sind sicher, von CEUS sind auch in der Zukunft noch eine Reihe wichtiger Publikationen zu erwarten.
Jäger’s question of 2008 [1] about the necessity of new Guidelines was undoubtedly a rhetorical one, for attached to his Editorial was the extended revision of the EFSUMB-Guidelines for the use of CEUS [2]. The initial Guidelines for CEUS were first published in this Journal in 2004 [3] and we followed this fascinating technique with the utmost interest and contributed to and supported it with numerous publications [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14].
In the meantime, this method has further become consolidated scientifically and in its possible clinical use, without reaching its full potential [15].
According to Mostbeck’s [16] editorial, CEUS does not have a place of value in radiology next to MDCT and MRI, and also makes a lack of cost accounting possibilities responsible for this view. In contradiction, B. Braun [17] sees CEUS in the Fast Lane. Apart from unsolved economical aspects [18] [19], CEUS proved to be as equally accurate in almost all aspects of liver diagnostics as are MDCT and MRI. The basis of these publications are the EFSUMB-Guidelines, which were cited not only by almost all of these works [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29], but also by the scripts published in a Supplement of a Symposium in Leipzig [30] [31] [32].
As already earlier discussed, the contrast medium enhanced ultrasound examination of the liver is the focal point of interest [33]. In this journal, further two differing publications are presented which we would like to recommend to you. With the help of the selective CEUS-supported hepatoangiography [34], the evidence of additional small HCC was successfully proven during TACE procedure, and lead to a change of therapy in 11 out of 15 cases. In an additional publication [35] the diagnosis of liver lesions sized smaller than 1 cm are discussed. This is of special interest since relatively little has been published about CEUS and its diagnostic value in lesions smaller than 10 mm of size and have been controversially discussed [36] [37] [38]. Another paper regarding FNH, which provides a perfect example of CEUS, addresses the signal recording process. Early recording is important because the arterial phase can start as early as 7 seconds after bolus injection [39].
Besides the emphasis on liver, publications in our journal are rare due to the fact that as per the Guidelines [2] the indications for the use of CEUS in other organs is mostly restricted [40] [41], or limited to the use in clinical studies [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]; even though CEUS can be diagnostically of value in specific cases [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]. The third CEUS publication, concerning spleen metastases [52], seems even more valuable to us because these are rare and their differentiation from focal spleen lesions is always difficult.
We are convinced that in the near future more important publications concerning CEUS can be expected.
- 1 Jäger K. Do we need new guidelines. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 24-27
- 2 Claudon M, Cosgrove D, Albrecht T et al. Guidelines and Good Clinical Practice Recommendations for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) – Update 2008. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 28-44
- 3 Albrecht T, Blomley M, Bolondi L et al. Guidelines for the Use of Contrast Agents in Ultrasound. Ultraschall in Med. 2004; 25 249-256
- 4 Seitz K. Gas and Air Bubbles: from Obstacle to Diagnostic Feature. Ultraschall in Med. 2007; 28 576-577
- 5 Bauditz J, Schade T, Wermke W. Sonografische Diagnostik des hilären cholangiozellulären Karzinoms mittels Echosignalverstärker. Ultraschall in Med. 2007; 28 161-167
- 6 Bleuzen A, Huang C, Olar M et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Focal Lesions of the Liver Using Cadence Contrast Pulse Sequencing. Ultraschall in Med. 2006; 27 40-48
- 7 Drudi F M, Giovagnorio F, Carbone A et al. Transrectal Colour Doppler Contrast Sonography in the Diagnosis of Local Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy – Comparison with MRI. Ultraschall in Med. 2006; 27 146-151
- 8 Harrer J U, Hornen S, Valaikiene J et al. Transcranial Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging: Implementation of a Low MI and a High Frame Rate. Ultraschall in Med. 2007; 28 380-386
- 9 Koenig M J, Torp-Pedersen S, Holmich P et al. Ultrasound Doppler of the Achilles Tendon before and after Injection of an Ultrasound Contrast Agent – Findings in Asymptomatic Subjects. Ultraschall in Med. 2007; 28 52-56
- 10 Ricci P, Cantisani V, Ballesio L et al. Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions: Efficacy of Real Time Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound vs. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Ultraschall in Med. 2007; 28 57-62
- 11 Seidel G, Cangür H, Meyer-Wiethe K et al. On the Ability of Ultrasound Parametric Perfusion Imaging to Predict the Area of Infarction in AcuteIschemic Stroke. Ultraschall in Med. 2006; 27 543-548
- 12 Stang A, Keles H, Seydewitz von C et al. Percutanous and Intraoperative Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Tumours. Ultraschall in Med. 2007; 28 181-188
- 13 Herbay von A, Haeussinger D, Gregor M et al. Characterization and detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): comparison of the ultrasound contrast agents SonoVue (BR 1) and Levovist (SH U 508A). Ultraschall in Med. 2007; 28 168-175
- 14 Herbay von A, Schick D, Horger M et al. Low-MI-Sonographie mit dem Ultraschallkontrastmittel SonoVue im Vergleich zur Computertomographie bei Organinfarkten und Nekrosen in Milz, Niere, Leber und Pankreas. Ultraschall in Med. 2006; 27 445-450
- 15 Seitz K. Über CEUS und Lebertumoren: Fakten, Studien, Relevanz und Realität im klinischen Alltag. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 485-487
- 16 Mostbeck G. CEUS from a Radiological Standpoint: Dream and Reality. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 125-127
- 17 Braun B. Focal Liver Processes „Better is the Enemy of Good”: CEUS in the Fast Lane. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 329-332
- 18 Giesel F L, Delorme S, Sibbel R et al. Kontrastverstärkter Ultraschall zur Charakterisierung von inzidentellen Leberläsionen – eine ökonomische Betrachtung im Vergleich zur Mehrphasen-Computertomografie. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 259-268
- 19 Schuler A et al. Kosten der Ultraschalluntersuchungen im Krankenhaus – das Modell einer Deckungsbeitragsrechnung. Ultraschall in Med. DOI: 10.1055 /s-0029 – 1 245 283
- 20 Haendl T, Strobel D, Steinebrunner N et al. Hepatic Transit Time in Benign Liver Lesions. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 184-189
- 21 Oldenburg A, Albrecht T. Sonografische Leberdiagnostik bei Tumorpatienten ohne und mit Kontrastmittel. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 488-498
- 22 Strobel D, Seitz K, Blank W et al. Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound for the Characterization of Focal Liver Lesions – Diagnostic Accuracy in Clinical Practice (DEGUM multicenter trial). Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 499-505
- 23 Dörffel Y, Wermke W. Neuroendocrine Tumors: Characterization with Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 505-514
- 24 Hohmann J, Loddenkemper C, Albrecht T. Assessment of a Biliary Hamartoma with Contrast-Enhanced Sonography using two Different Contrast Agents. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 185-188
- 25 Ricci P, Cantisani V, Drudi F et al. Is Contrast-Enhanced US Alternative to Spiral CT in the Assessment of Treatment Outcome of Radiofrequency Ablation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma?. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 252-268
- 26 Strobel D, Seitz K, Blank W et al. Tumor-Specific Vascularization Pattern of Liver Metastasis, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Hemangioma and Focal Nodular Hyperplasia in the Differential Diagnosis of 1349 Liver Lesions in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS). Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 376-382
- 27 Seitz K, Strobel D, Bernatik T et al. Kontrastverstärkte Sonografie (CEUS) zur Charakterisierung fokaler Leberläsion im klinischen Alltag: CEUS vs. CT. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 383-389
- 28 Herbay von A, Vogt C, Westendorff J et al. Correlation between SonoVue Enhancement in CEUS, HCC Differentiation and HCC Diameter: Analysis of 130 Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 544-550
- 29 Cantisani V, Ricci P, Erturk M et al. Detection of Hepatic Metastases from Colorectal Cancer: Prospective Evaluation of Gray Scale US Versus SonoVue® Low Mechanical Index Real Time-Enhanced US as Compared with Multidetector-CT or Gd-BOPTA-MRI. Ultraschall in Med. DOI: 10.1055 /s-0028-1 109 751
- 30 Albrecht T. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Has Come of Age. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 S187
- 31 Dietrich C F. Comments and Illustrations Regarding the Guidelines and Good Clinical Practice Recommendations for Con- trast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) – Update 2008. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 S188-S202
- 32 Konopke R, Bunk A, Kersting S. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography in Patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases after Chemotherapy. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 S203-S209
- 33 Bachmann Nielsen M, Seitz K. Ultrasonography of the Liver: Focal Point of Interest in Radiology and Internal Medicine. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 227-229
- 34 Schacherer D, Girlich C, Zorger N et al. Sono-Hepatic – Arteriography (Sono-HA) in the Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization. Ultraschall in Med:. Online 2010; DOI 10.1055/s-0029-1245242
- 35 Laghi F, Catalano O, Maresca M et al. Interminate, Subcentimetric Focal Liver Lesions in Cancer Patients: Additional Role of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound. Ultraschall in Med:. Online 2010; DOI 10.1055/s-0029-1245383
- 36 Giorgio A, Stefano de G, Coppola C et al. Contrast-enhanced sonography in the characterization of small hepatocellular carcinomas in cirrhotic patients: comparison with contrast-enhanced ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging. Anticancer Res. 2007; 27 4263-4269 PubMed
- 37 Forner A, Vilana R, Ayuso C et al. Diagnosis of hepatic nodules 20 mm or smaller in cirrhosis: Prospective validation of the noninvasive diagnostic criteria for hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2008; 47 97-104 PubMed
- 38 Prosch H, Oschatz E, Eisenhuber E et al. Sonografie der Leber nach CT-Staging von Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom: eine retrospektive Analyse. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 551-557
- 39 Piscaglia F, Venturi A, Mancini M et al. Diagnstic Features of Real-Time Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver. Ultraschall in Med. 2010; 31 274-282
- 40 Haendl T, Strobel D, Legal W et al. Renal Cell Cancer Does Not Show a Typical Perfusion Pattern in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 58-63
- 41 Dietrich C F, Ignee A, Barreiros A P et al. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Imaging of Adrenal Masses. Ultraschall in Med. 2010; 31 163-168
- 42 Harrer J U, Hornen S, Oertel M F et al. Comparison of Perfusion Harmonic Imaging and Perfusion MR Imaging for the Assessment of Microvascular Characteristics in Brain Tumors. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 45-53
- 43 Harrer J U, Hornen S, Valaikiene J et al. Transcranial Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging: Implementation of a Low MI and a High Frame Rate 380-6.
- 44 Nolte C H, Gruss J, Steinbrink J et al. Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging of Small Stroke Involving the Thalamus. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 466-470
- 45 Harrer J U, Valaikiene J, Koch H et al. Transcranial Perfusion Sonography Using a Low Mechanical Index and Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging: Reliability, Inter-/Intraobserver Variability. Ultraschall in Med. DOI: 10.1055 /s-0029-1 245 369
- 46 Grossjohann H S, Bachmann Nielsen M, Nielsen K R et al. Evaluation of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound of the Pancreas Combined with Concurrent Hormone Stimulation. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 520-525
- 47 Kopac M, Riccabona M, Haim M. Contrast-Enhanced Voiding Urosonography and Genitography in a Baby with Ambiguous Genitalia and Urogenital Sinus. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 299-300
- 48 Kuehnl A, Assadian A, Ockert S et al. Detection and Treatment Monitoring of Secondary Coeliac Trunk Endoleak Following Hybrid Open-Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair using B-Flow and Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 494-496
- 49 Görg C, Egbring J, Bert T. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound of Epiploic Appendagitis. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; 30 163-167
- 50 Foschi F G, Piscaglia F, Pompili M et al. Real-Time Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound – a New Simple Tool for Detection of Peritoneal-Pleural Communications in Hepatic Hydrothorax. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 538-542
- 51 Dietrich C, Hartung E, Ignee A. The Use of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Patients with GIST Metastases that are Negative in CT and PET. Ultraschall in Med. 2008; 29 S276-S277
- 52 Neesse A, Huth J, Kunsch S et al. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Pattern of Splenic Metastases - A Retrospective Study in 32 Patients. Ultraschall in Med. 2009; DOI: 10.1055 /s-0028-1109 812
Priv. Doz. Dr. K. Seitz
Innere Medizin, Kreiskrankenhaus Sigmaringen
Hohenzollernstr. 40
72488 Sigmaringen