Synfacts 2016; 12(11): 1141
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1589379
Synthesis of Materials and Unnatural Products
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Nanohoop through Anthracene Photodimerization–Cycloreversion

Timothy M. Swager
Constantin-Christian A. Voll
Huang Z.-A, Chen C, Yang X.-D, * Fan X.-B, Zhou W, Tung C.-H, Wu L.-Z, Cong H. * Fudan University, Shanghai, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, and Peking University, Beijing, P. R. of China
Synthesis of Oligoparaphenylene-Derived Nanohoops Employing an Anthracene Photodimerization−Cycloreversion Strategy.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016;
138: 11144-11147
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18. Oktober 2016 (online)



Nanohoops composed of highly strained aromatic hydrocarbons are fascinating carbon-rich structures, and creative strategies are required for their efficient syntheses. The authors utilize an anthracene photodimerization–cyclo­reversion strategy to make a novel nanohoop with interesting photophysical properties.



The rigid dianthracene scaffold approach generates the target nanohoop in excellent yields over six steps. The often critical ring-closing step was achieved in a particularly efficient manner under nickel-mediated Yamamoto coupling conditions.
