Bruniaux S.
Luart D.
Len C.
* Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Organique et Minérale, Compiègne, and PSL Research University, Paris, France
Continuous-Flow Reductive Alkylation: Synthesis of Bio-Based Symmetrical and Dissymmetrical Ethers.
Synthesis 2018;
50: 1849-1856
Key words
palladium catalysis - flow reaction - reductive alkylation - ethers - green chemistry
The authors have developed a continuous-flow system for the reductive alkylation of alcohols with aldehydes catalyzed by Pd/C in the presence of hydrogen, giving the corresponding ethers in 35–93% yield.
In the long-term flow reaction of butan-1-ol with octanal, butyl octyl ether was obtained in 50% yield after eight hours.