DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 101 · 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35423

Editorial Focus


Clinical Focus

Review Article

Burnier, Laurent; Fontana, Pierre; Kwak, Brenda R.; Angelillo-Scherrer, Anne: Cell-derived microparticles in haemostasis and vascular medicine

Rapid and Short Communication

Santo, Stefano Di; Tepper, Oren M.; Ballmoos, Moritz Wyler von; Diehm, Nicolas; Völzmann, Jan; Baumgartner, Iris; Kalka, Christoph: Cell-based therapy facilitates venous thrombus resolution

Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis

Wichers, Iris M.; Tanck, Michael W. T.; Meijers, Joost C. M.; Lisman, Ton; Reitsma, Pieter H.; Rosendaal, Frits R.; Büller, Harry R.; Middeldorp, Saskia: Assessment of coagulation and fibrinolysis in families with unexplained thrombophilia
Blanco-Molina, Ángeles; Trujillo-Santos, Javier; Tirado, Raimundo; Cañas, Inmaculada; Riera, Antoni; Valdés, Mariano; Monreal, Manuel; for the RIETE Investigators: Venous thromboembolism in women using hormonal contraceptives
Roldán, Vanessa; Ordoñez, Adriana; Marín, Francisco; Zorio, Esther; Soria, José M.; Miñano, Antonia; España, Francisco; González-Conejero, Rocio; Pineda, Javier; Estellés, Amparo; Fontcuberta, Jordi; Vicente, Vicente; Corral, Javier: Antithrombin Cambridge II (A384S) supports a role for antithrombin deficiency in arterial thrombosis
Poller, Leon; Keown, Michelle; Ibrahim, Saied; Lowe, Gordon; Moia, Marco; Turpie, Alexander G.; Roberts, Christopher; van den Besselaar, Anton M. H. P.; van der Meer, Felix J. M.; Tripodi, Armando; Palareti, Gualtiero; Shiach, Caroline; Bryan, Stirling; Samama, Meyer; Burgess-Wilson, Michael; Heagerty, Anthony; MacCallum, Peter; Wright, David; Jespersen, Jørgen; European Action on Anticoagulation (EAA): A multicentre randomised assessment of the DAWN AC computer-assisted oral anticoagulant dosage program

Wound Healing and Inflammation/Infection

Endothelium and Vascular Development

Cardiovascular Biology and Cell Signalling

Cesari, Francesca; Sofi, Francesco; Caporale, Roberto; Capalbo, Andrea; Marcucci, Rossella; Macchi, Claudio; Lova, Raffaele Molino; Cellai, Tommaso; Vannucci, Mauro; Gensini, Gian Franco; Abbate, Rosanna; Gori, Anna Maria: Relationship between exercise capacity, endothelial progenitor cells and cytochemokines in patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation

Cellular Proteolysis and Oncology

Kountourakis, Panteleimon; Psyrri, Amanda; Scorilas, Andreas; Markakis, Sonia; Kowalski, Diane; Camp, Robert L.; Diamandis, Eleftherios P.; Dimopoulos, Meletios A.: Expression and prognostic significance of kallikrein-related peptidase 8 protein levels in advanced ovarian cancer by using automated quantitative analysis
Bang, Soo-Mee; Lee, Jong-Seok; Ahn, Jeong Yeal; Lee, Jae Hoon; Hyun, Myung Soo; Kim, Bong Seog; Park, Moo Rim; Chi, Hyun-Sook; Kim, Ho Young; Kim, Hyo Jung; Lee, Moon Hee; Kim, Hwak; Won, Jong Ho; Yoon, Hwi Joong; Oh, Do-yeun; Nam, Eun-Mi; Bae, Sung Hwa; Kim, Byoung-Kook; for the Korean MPN Working Party: Vascular events in Korean patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms and their relationship to JAK2 mutation

New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Rombouts, Eva K.; Rosendaal, Frits R.; van der Meer, Felix J. M.: Subtherapeutic oral anticoagulant therapy: Frequency and risk factors
Lambert, Marc; Ferrard-Sasson, Gisele; Dubucquoi, Sylvain; Hachulla, Eric; Prin, Lionel; Hatron, Pierre-Yves; Goudemand, Jenny; Boffa, Marie-Claire; Caron, Claudine: Diluted Russell viper-venom time improves identification of antiphospholipid syndrome in a lupus anticoagulant-positive patient population

New Technologies, Diagnostics Tools and Drugs

Tebbe, Ulrich; Bramlage, Peter; Graf, Andreas; Lechleitner, Peter; Bode, Christoph; Riess, Friedrich-Christian; Clemens, Norbert; Al-Rawi, Yasir; Konstantinides, Stavros; Goldhaber, Samuel Z.: Desmoteplase in acute massive pulmonary thromboembolism

Case Report

Periard, Daniel; Currat, Michael; Qanadli, Salah Dine; Hayoz, Daniel; Vollenweider, Peter: Myelofibrosis and spinal cord ischaemia
Stockschläder, Marcus; Ruf, Leilani; Linderer, Anne; Schroeder, Thomas; Knoefel, Wolfram T.; Haas, Rainer; Giers, Günther; Gerhardt, Andrea; Sucker, Christoph; Zotz, Rainer B.; Scharf, Rüdiger E.: Induction of tolerance after combined immunosuppression and -adsorption in two patients with acquired haemophilia after severe haemorrhages controlled by sequential administration of rFVIIa and FEIBA

Letters to the Editor

Verde, Zoraida; Santiago, Catalina; Valle, Beatriz; Fernández-Santander, Ana; Bandrés, Fernando; Calvo, Elpidio; Ruiz, Jonatan R.; Lucía, Alejandro; Gallego, Félix Gómez: Pharmacogenetics of acenocoumarol: CYP2C9 *2 and VKORC1 c.-1639G>A, 497C>G, 1173C>T, and 3730G>A variants influence drug dose in anticoagulated patients
Brocal, Isabel; Marco, Pascual; Lucas, Javier; Verdú, José; Tarín, Fabián: Thrombin generation test in patients under anticoagulant therapy with vitamin k antagonists
Taliani, Maria Rita; Becattini, Cecilia; Agnelli, Giancarlo; Prandoni, Paolo; Moia, Marco; Bazzan, Mario; Salvi, RosaMaria; Ageno, Walter; Guazzaloca, Giuliana; Imberti, Davide; Silingardi, Mauro; Poggio, Renzo; for the Warfarin Optimal Duration Italian Trial (WODIT) Investigators: Duration of anticoagulant treatment and recurrence of venous thromboembolism in patients with and without thrombophilic abnormalities
Shimizu, Michiomi; Nomura, Shosaku; Ishii, Kazuyoshi; Mohri, Youichi; Umei, Nao; Suzuki, Satoshi; Matsuo, Yoshio; Isonishi, Ayami; Matsumoto, Masanori; Urase, Fumiaki; Maeda, Yasuhiro; Fujimura, Yoshihiro: The significance of ADAMTS13 in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura complicated autoimmune hepatitis
Tveit, Arnljot; Bollmann, Andreas; Seljeflot, Ingebjørg; Husser, Daniela; Stridh, Martin; Sörnmo, Leif; Arnesen, Harald; Olsson, Bertil S.; Smith, Pål: Relation between atrial fibrillatory rate and markers of inflammation and haemostasis in persistent human atrial fibrillation