DOI: 10.1055/s-00025476

Endoscopy International Open

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 12 · Januar 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-58879

Original article

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Hany, Mohamed; Sheta, Eman; Talha, Ahmed; Anwar, Medhat; Selima, Mohamed; Gaballah, Muhammad; Zidan, Ahmed; Ibrahim, Mohamed; Agayby, Ann Samy Shafiq; Abouelnasr, Anwar Ashraf; Samir, Mohamed; Torensma, Bart: Incidence of persistent SARS-CoV-2 gut infection in patients with a history of COVID-19: Insights from endoscopic examination
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AbiMansour, Jad; Kamba, Shunsuke; Wong Kee Song, Louis-Michel; Rajan, Elizabeth: Through-the-scope clip retention rates and performance in a porcine model
Stahl, Klaus; Schuette, Eloise; Schirmer, Paul; Fuge, Jan; Weber, Anna-Lena; Heidrich, Benjamin; Schneider, Andrea; Pape, Thorben; Krauss, Terence; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Lenzen, Henrike: Prevention of peri-interventional hypothermia during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography using a forced-air heating system
Visrodia, Kavel; Jones, Dianne; Jennings, Melissa; Conway, Catherine; Burgos, Herbert; Malani, Jioji; Ogutu, Elly; Pausawasdi, Nonthalee; Sabbagh, Luis; Leddin, Desmond; Kassmeyer, Blake; Lennon, Ryan J.; Topazian, Mark D.: Assessment of endoscope reprocessing at World Gastroenterology Organisation training centers using adenosine triphosphate testing
Graf, Christiana; Reden, Monika; Blasberg, Tobias; Knabe, Mate; May, Andrea; Ell, Christian; Wedi, Edris; Wetzstein, Nils; Michael, Florian; Zeuzem, Stefan; Bojunga, Jörg; Friedrich-Rust, Mireen: Is a higher frequency of esophageal dilations more effective in treating benign esophageal strictures? Retrospective, multicenter study
Enke, Thomas; Keswani, Rajesh; Triggs, Joseph; Gannavarapu, Bhargava; Mittal, Chetan; Sinha, Jasmine; Kwasny, Mary J; Komanduri, Srinadh: Adherence to quality indicators and best practices in surveillance endoscopy of Barrett’s esophagus: A video-based assessment
Masciangelo, Graziella; Cecinato, Paolo; Bacchilega, Igor; Masetti, Michele; Ferrari, Rodolfo; Zagari, Rocco Maurizio; Napoleon, Bertrand; Sassatelli, Romano; Fusaroli, Pietro; Lisotti, Andrea: Urgent ERCP performed with single-use duodenoscope (SUD) in patients with moderate-to-severe cholangitis: Single-center prospective study
Mohamed Elfeky, Omar Wahid; Panjwani, Suraj; Cave, David; Wild, Daniel; Raines, Daniel: Device-assisted enteroscopy in the surveillance of intestinal hamartomas in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Guerrero Vinsard, Daniela; Lennon, Ryan; Avvaru, Himaja Kumari; Patel, Mehrie; Lahori, Simmy; Raffals, Laura E.; Coelho-Prabhu, Nayantara: Measuring the concordance between endoscopic and histologic inflammation and its effect on IBD-associated dysplasia
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de Oliveira Veras, Matheus; de Moura, Diogo Turiani Hourneaux; McCarty, Thomas R.; de Oliveira, Guilherme Henrique Peixoto; Gomes, Rômulo Sérgio Araújo; Landim, Davi Lucena; Nunes, Felipe Giacobo; Franzini, Tomazo Antônio Prince; Lera dos Santos, Marcos Eduardo; Bernardo, Wanderley Marques; de Moura, Eduardo Guimarães Hourneaux: Intraductal radiofrequency ablation plus biliary stent versus stent alone for malignant biliary obstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Khan, Rishad; Samnani, Sunil; Vaska, Marcus; Grover, Samir C; Walsh, Catharine M; Mosko, Jeffrey; Bourke, Michael J; Heitman, Steven J; Forbes, Nauzer: Effectiveness and safety of thin vs. thick cold snare polypectomy of small colorectal polyps: Systematic review and meta-analysis


Soriani, Paola; Biancheri, Paolo; Bonura, Giuliano Francesco; Gabbani, Tommaso; Manno, Mauro: Cholangioscopic removal of post-cholecystectomy surgical clips migrated inside the common hepatic duct
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Innovation forum

Emmanuel, James; Hsin, Deborah Chew Chia; Bt Wan Abdullah, Wan Zaharatul Ashikin; See, Lee Tiong: EUS-guided laser lithotripsy for pancreatic duct stones after failed conventional pancreatic endotherapy