DOI: 10.1055/s-00042133

European Journal of Dentistry

Issue 01 · Volume 19 · February 2025 DOI: 10.1055/s-015-60980

Review Article

Azarias, Josuel Siqueira; Alves Bento, Victor Augusto; de Moraes Melo Neto, Clóvis Lamartine; Adriazola Ique, Manuel Martin; do Santos, Daniela Micheline; Goiato, Marcelo Coelho: What Is the Survival Rate of Implants Loaded Immediately with a Branemark Protocol Prosthesis? A Review
Mahdani, Fatma Yasmin; Subarnbhesaj, Ajiravudh; Ayuningtyas, Nurina Febriyanti; Surboyo, Meircurius Dwi Condro; Bakti, Reiska Kumala; Radithia, Desiana; Paramananda, Dimas Bayu; Indriyani, Ina; Basalamah, Fatimah Fauzi: Salivary Profile in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Scoping Review

Original Article

Tauseef, Kiran; Amin, Faiza; Moin, Syed Faraz; Khurshid, Zohaib; Aslam, Kashif; Jabeen, Bushra: Evaluation of the Impact of Irradiance Lamps and Storage Media on Elution of TEGDMA from Dental Composites
Phatphutthitham, Chatnarong; Niyatiwatchanchai, Boondarick; Rujiraprasert, Phakvalunch; Tagami, Junji; Osathanon, Thanaphum; Srijunbarl, Anucharte; Singthong, Thawanrat; Suriyasangpetch, Sarat; Nantanapiboon, Dusit: Effect of Grinding and Polishing Protocols on Surface Roughness, Flexural Strength, and Phase Transformation of High-Translucent 5 mol% Yttria-Partially Stabilized Zirconia
Sultan, Omer Sheriff; Sidhu, Preena; Rehman, Kiran; Madheswaran, Thiagrajan; Davamani, Amalraj Fabian: Antibacterial Efficacy of Graphene Nanoparticles against Enterococcus faecalis: In Vitro Study
Haque, Tahsinul; Akhter, Fatema; Alim, Nourelhoda; Nabhan, Abdullah; kahtani, Fawzia Al; Sambawa, Abdullah Mohammed: Identification and Characterization of Key Genes Associated with Amelogenesis
Katheng, Awutsadaporn; Prawatvatchara, Wisarut; Tonprasong, Watcharapong; Namano, Sahaprom; Kongkon, Paweena: Effect of Postrinsing Times and Methods on Surface Roughness, Hardness, and Polymerization of 3D-Printed Photopolymer Resin
Moreno, André Luiz de Melo; Campaner, Marcio; de Moraes Melo Neto, Clóvis Lamartine; Moreno, Nathaly Vilene de Araújo; dos Santos, Daniela Micheline; Goiato, Marcelo Coelho: Evaluation of Microstrain in the Regions Surrounding Morse Taper and External Hexagon Implants
Putri, Arum Nur Kartika; Kamadjaja, David Buntoro; Rizqiawan, Andra; Amir, Muhammad Subhan; Sumarta, Ni Putu Mira; Paramita, Dewi Kartikawati: Preosteoblast Adhesion and Viability Study of Freeze-Dried Bovine Bone Block Scaffold Coated with Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome
Ashi, Tarek; Kharouf, Naji; Etienne, Olivier; Cournault, Bérangère; Klienkoff, Pierre; Gribova, Varvara; Haikel, Youssef: Effectiveness of Sectioning Method and Filling Materials on Roughness and Cell Attachments in Root Resection Procedure

Case Report