Synfacts 2006(6): 0565-0565  
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-934518
Synthesis of Materials and Unnatural Products
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Ultramicroporous Polymers for Hydrogen Storage by Design

Contributor(s): Timothy M. Swager, Jean Bouffard
N. B. McKeown*, B. Gahnem, K. J. Msayib, P. M. Budd*, C. E. Tattershall, K. Mahmood, S. Tan, D. Book, H. W. Langmi, A. Walton
Cardiff University, University of Manchester and University of Birmingham, UK
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
19 May 2006 (online)


The introduction of molecular units such as the bowl-shaped cyclotrichatechylene that give rise to molecular-scale cavities within the condensed polymer network results in an increased effective surface area. Hydrogen gas is reversibly adsorbed within the ultramicroporous polymer network up to 1.7% by mass under modest pressures, making this entirely organic hydrogen storage material a candidate comparable to alternative approaches such as metal-organic frameworks or zeolites.