DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 03 · Volume 29 · March 2008 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-11083

Physiology & Biochemistry

Missitzi, J.; Geladas, N.; Klissouras, V.: Genetic Variation of Maximal Velocity and EMG Activity
Atkinson, G.; Barr, D.; Chester, N.; Drust, B.; Gregson, W.; Reilly, T.; Waterhouse, J.: Bright Light and Thermoregulatory Responses to Exercise
Lambert, G. P.; Lang, J.; Bull, A.; Pfeifer, P. C.; Eckerson, J.; Moore, G.; Lanspa, S.; O'Brien, J.: Fluid Restriction during Running Increases GI Permeability

Training & Testing

Lepretre, P.-M.; Lopes, P.; Koralsztein, J.-P.; Billat, V.: Fatigue Responses in Exercise under Control of V·O2
Hanon, C.; Leveque, J.-M.; Thomas, C.; Vivier, L.: Pacing Strategy and V·O2 Kinetics during a 1500-m Race
Huang, C.-C.; Yang, Y.-H.; Chen, C.-H.; Chen, T.-W.; Lee, C.-L.; Wu, C.-L.; Chuang, S.-H.; Huang, M.-H.: Upper Extremities Flexibility Comparisons of Collegiate “Soft” Martial Art Practitioners with Other Athletes
Bosquet, L.; Gamelin, F.-X.; Berthoin, S.: Reliability of Postexercise Heart Rate Recovery
Vogt, S.; Roecker, K.; Schumacher, Y. O.; Pottgiesser, T.; Dickhuth, H.-H.; Schmid, A.; Heinrich, L.: Cadence-Power-Relationship during Decisive Mountain Ascents at the Tour de France

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Genetics & Molecular Biology

September, A. V.; Posthumus, M.; van der Merwe, L.; Schwellnus, M.; Noakes, T. D.; Collins, M.: The COL12A1 and COL14A1 Genes and Achilles Tendon Injuries

Letter to the Editors