DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 3 · Oktober 1993 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-11595

Original article

Benz, G.; Mclntosh, A.; Kallieris, D.; Daum, R.: A Biomechanical Study of Bicycle Helmets' Effectiveness in Childhood
Corbally, M. T.; Spitz, L.; Kiely, E.; Brereton, R. J.; Drake, D. P.: Aortopexy for Tracheomalacia in Oesophageal Anomalies
Shen, Z.; Klöver-Ståhl, B.; Larsson, L. T.; Malmfors, G.; Ekblad, E.; Sundler, F.: Peptide-Containing Neurons Remain Unaffected After Intestinal Autotransplantation: An Experimental Study in the Piglet
Akgür, F. M.; Aktuğ, T.; Kovanlikaya, A.; Erdağ, G.; Olguner, M.; Hoşgör, M.; Obuz, O.: Initial Evaluation of Children Sustaining Blunt Abdominal Trauma: Ultrasonography vs. Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
Aubert, D.; Rigaud, P.; Zoupanos, G.: Double Pigtail Ureteral Stent in Pediatric Urology

Case report

Tanaka, K.; Tsuchida, Y.; Hashizume, K.; Kawarasaki, H.; Sugiyama, M.: Microgastria - Case Report and a Review of the Literature
Núñez, R.; Rubio, J. L.; Pimentel, J.; Blesa, E.: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Intrathoracic Intestinal Volvulus
Becmeur, F.; Dhaoui, R.; Rousseau, Ph.; Heintz, C.; Leculee, R.; Bientz, J.; Sauvage, P.: Post-Traumatic Pancreatic Pseudocyst: Non-Operative Conservative Management - Report on 3 Cases
Caffarena, P. E.; Martinelli, M.; Fratino, G.; Michelazzi, A.; Tumolo, M.; Carli, M.; Fabbretti, G.; Bisio, G.: Leiomyosarcoma of the Cecum in Pediatric Age: A Case Report and Review of Italian Reports
Radke, M.; Waldschmidt, J.; Stolpe, H. J.; Mix, M.; Richter, I.: Blue Rubber-Bleb-Nevus Syndrome with Predominant Urinary Bladder Hemangiomatosis