DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 20 · Januar 2010 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-20800



Original Article

Broniszczak, D.; Ismail, H.; Nachulewicz, P.; Szymczak, M.; Drewniak, T.; Markiewicz-Kijewska, M.; Kowalski, A.; Jobs, K.; Śmirska, E.; Rubik, J.; Skobejko-Włodarska, L.; Gastoł, P.; Mikołajczyk, A.; Kalicinski, P.: Kidney Transplantation in Children with Bladder Augmentation or Ileal Conduit Diversion
Backman, T.; Sjövie, H.; Kullendorff, C.-M.; Arnbjörnsson, E.: Continuous Double U-stitch Gastrostomy in Children
Serour, F.; Herman, A.; Babai, I.; Gorenstein, A.; Gershon, N.; Somekh, E.; Dalal, I.: Evaluation of a Possible Inflammatory Response after Appendectomy for Non-Perforated Appendicitis in Children
Niyogi, A.; Agarwal, T.; Broadhurst, J.; Abel, R. M.: Management of Perianal Abscess and Fistula-in-ano in Children
Okuyama, H.; Kubota, A.; Kawahara, H.; Shimizu, Y.; Watanabe, T.; Yamanaka, H.; Tani, G.; Takeyama, Y.: Frey Procedure for Chronic Pancreatitis in a Child with Duodenal Atresia and Complex Pancreaticobiliary Disorders

Case Gallery

Hamada, T.; Hirose, R.; Kosaka, T.; Fujita, F.; Tajima, Y.; Kanematsu, T.: Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy using a Prolapsing Technique for Sigmoid Colon Volvulus in Children
Dòmini, M.; Gargano, T.; Ruggeri, G.; Gentili, A.; Manuele, R.; Lima, M.: Transverse Testicular Ectopia and Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome: Video-assisted Treatment
Khalifeh, M.; Faraj, W.; Fakih, H.; Ajami, H.; Akel, S.; Jamali, F.: Central Hepatectomy for Hepatic Mesenchymal Hamartoma in Children
Harper, L.; Le Bail, B.; Grenier, N.; Lavrand, F.; Notz, A.; Lamireau, T.: Non-surgical Management of Idiopathic Fibrosing Pancreatitis
Maurel, A.; Harper, L.; Knezynski, S.; Michel, J.-L.; De Napoli-Cocci, S.: Left-sided Gastroschisis: Is it the Same Pathology as on the Right-Side?
Boemers, T. M.; Städtler, C.; Schnyder, I.; Zachariou, Z.: Covered Bladder Exstrophy with Scrotal Duplication

Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie