DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Ausgabe S 02 · Volume 43 · Dezember 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21624

Unusual cases and technical notes

Kim, D. H.; Kwon, C.-I.; Chung, J. G.; Ko, K. H.; Kim, M. D.; Hong, S. P.; Park, P. W.: Endoscopic hemostasis with multiple hemoclips and an endoloop for uncontrolled peptic ulcer bleeding
Chattopadhyay, D.; Garkuwa, D.; Wynne, K. S.; Joypaul, B. V.: Endoscopy-assisted technique for removal of a transduodenal T-tube
Lalueza, A.; López-Medrano, F.; del Palacio, A.; Alhambra, A.; Álvarez, E.; Ramos, A.; Pérez, A.; Lizasoain, M.; Meije, Y.; García-Reyne, A.; Aguado, J. M.: Cladosporium macrocarpum brain abscess after endoscopic ultrasound-guided celiac plexus block
Hsieh, M.-J.; Lee, T.-C.; Tseng, C.-H.; Lin, T.-H.; Liu, K.-L.; Chen, S.-Y.; Wang, H.-P.: Duodenum-penetrating toothpick with liver abscess: removal with single-balloon enteroscopy
Vazquez, C.; Berrueta, J.; De Simone, F.; Tcheckmedyian, A.; Gonzalez, N.; Bernachin, J.; Perrota, A.; Curi, J.; Mariño, A.; Olano, C.: Small-intestinal bleeding due to metastatic renal cell cancer
Huang, T. Y.; Chen, P. J.; Liu, Y. C.; Jin, J. S.: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the terminal ileum
Ishiyama, S.; Tashiro, Y.; Nagayasu, K.; Niwa, K.; Ono, S.; Sugimoto, K.; Hata, M.; Kamiyama, H.; Komiyama, H.; Takahashi, M.; Yaginuma, Y.; Kojima, Y.; Goto, M.; Tanaka, M.; Sengoku, H.; Okuzawa, A.; Tomiki, Y.; Sakamoto, K.: Spontaneous disappearance of a giant colonic lipoma after endoscopic biopsy
Sharma, M. K.; Sharma, P.; Garg, H.; Sehgal, L.; Bhatia, V.: Clinical acute pancreatitis following anterograde single balloon enteroscopy
Norimura, D.; Isomoto, H.; Niino, D.; Akazawa, Y.; Yamaguchi, N.; Ohnita, K.; Shikuwa, S.; Takeshima, F.; Nakao, K.: Intestinal mantle cell lymphoma observed by double-balloon endoscopy with Fuji Intelligent Chromo Endoscopy
Swahn, F.; Arnelo, U.; Enochsson, L.; Löhr, M.; Agustsson, T.; Gustavsson, K.; D’Souza, M. A.; Lundell, L.: Endoscopic closure of a perforated peptic ulcer
Nakai, Y.; Isayama, H.; Kawakubo, K.; Kogure, H.; Sasaki, T.; Togawa, O.; Sasahira, N.; Hirano, K.; Tsujino, T.; Tada, M.; Omata, M.; Koike, K.: Endoscopic removal of a biliary covered metallic stent with the invagination method
Hoorn, E. J.; Aktas, H.; Linskens, R. K.; Kuipers, E. J.; Mensink, P. B.: Endocrinology through an endoscope: lesions in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum in gastrinoma
Altun, R.; Yildirim, A. E.; Ocal, S.; Akbas, E.; Korkmaz, M.; Selcuk, H.; Yılmaz, U.: Coil migration into the common bile duct as a cause of cholangitis
Maletta, F.; Pacchioni, D.; Carucci, P.; Accinelli, G.; Bruno, M.; Brizzi, F.; Allegranza, P.; Rizzetto, M.; Bussolati, G.; De Angelis, C.: Analysis of cyst fluid obtained by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration supporting the diagnosis of a pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm
Itoi, T.; Ishii, K.; Sofuni, A.; Itokawa, F.; Kurihara, T.; Tsuchiya, T.; Tsuji, S.; Ikeuchi, N.; Moriyasu, F.: Ultraslim endoscope-assisted therapeutic ERCP for inaccessible papilla by a double-balloon enteroscope in patients with Roux-en-Y anastomosis
Togashi, K.; Ajioka, Y.; Koinuma, K.; Lefor, A. T.; Miyakura, Y.; Horie, H.; Yasuda, Y.: Recurrence after polypectomy for a pedunculated polyp with subtle invasion but no unfavorable histology
Thrumurthy, S. G.; Anuruddha, A. H. M. P.; De Zoysa, M. I. M.; Samarasekera, D. N.: ERCP for the treatment of traumatic biliobronchial and biliocutaneous fistulas
Uchimoto, K.; Nishigori, N.; Fujii, H.; Koyama, F.; Nakagawa, T.; Nakamura, S.; Ueda, T.; Nakajima, Y.: Endoscopic resection of an anal gland cyst
Zhong, N.; Topazian, M.; Petersen, B. T.; Baron, T. H.; Chari, S. T.; Gleeson, F. C.; Levy, M. J.; Kendrick, M. L.; Vege, S. S.: Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic fluid collections into fourth portion of duodenum: a new approach to disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome
Lee, H. J.; Jung, E. S.; Park, M. S.; Chung, H. S.; Choi, J. Y.; Lee, K. J.; Lee, J. S.; Kil, H. K.; Lee, Y. C.: Closure of a gastrotracheal fistula using a cardiac septal occluder device
Matsunaga, Y.; Goto, A.; Kaneko, H.; Hasegawa, N.; Wakasugi, H.; Itoh, M.; Fujii, K.; Suzuki, K.; Nakahata, K.; Shinomura, Y.: Gastric rupture before puncture of the stomach in percutaneous gastrostomy
Zhou, Y. Q.; Huo, J. R.; Liu, D. L.; Wang, X. H.; Ou, D. L.: Colonic schistosomiasis mimicking submucosal tumor
Holm, T. E.; Rosseland, A. R.; Lundin, K. A. E.; Røsok, B. I.; Aabakken, L.; Bock, G.; Lauzikas, G.; Thorne, H.: Endoscopic stent treatment of a duodenal ulcer perforation
Barresi, L.; Tarantino, I.; Curcio, G.; Mocciaro, F.; Catalano, P.; Spada, M.; Traina, M.: Pancreatic cystic lymphangioma in a 6-year-old girl, diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) fine needle aspiration
Matsumoto, K.; Nagahara, A.; Sakamoto, N.; Suyama, M.; Konuma, H.; Morimoto, T.; Sagawa, E.; Ueyama, H.; Takahashi, T.; Beppu, K.; Shibuya, T.; Osada, T.; Yoshizawa, T.; Ogihara, T.; Watanabe, S.: A new traction device for facilitating endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early gastric cancer: the “medical ring”
Orellana, F.; Onetto, C.; Balbontín, P.; Videla, D.; Manriquez, L.; Plass, R.; Araya, R.; Sepúlveda, R.; Saenz, R.; Ríos, H.: Gastric glomus tumor: report of one case and review
Artifon, E. L. A.; Okawa, L.; Baba, E. R.; Siqueira, S. A.; Moura, E. G. H.; Sakai, P.; Savides, T. J.: Diagnosis of pancreatic plasmacytoma by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration
Sashiyama, H.; Fu, K. I.; Hamahata, Y.; Tsutsumi, O.; Hoshino, T.; Tsujinaka, Y.: Closure of a rectal perforation by clipping the margins to presacral tissue
Hyun, Y. S.; Han, D. S.; Lee, H. L.; Bae, J. H.; Eun, C. S.: Gastric emphysema after endoscopic submucosal dissection
Bartova, J.; Bures, J.; Podhola, M.; Rejchrt, S.; Tacheci, I.; Kopacova, M.: Endoscopic treatment of a giant pedunculated angiolipofibroma of the distal duodenum
Marques, M.; Sarmento, J. A.; Rodrigues, S.; Guimarães, S.; Fonseca, E.; Macedo, G.: Gastric amyloidosis: unusual cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
Kanai, M.; Tokunaga, T.; Miyaji, T.; Mataki, N.; Okada, C.; Mitani, K.; Aono, S.; Kobari, S.; Hakozaki, Y.: Colonic varices as a result of persistent mesocolon of the ascending and descending colon
Nakagawa, Y.; Nagai, T.; Okawara, H.; Nakashima, H.; Hisamatsu, A.; Syutou, M.; Yamauchi, M.; Kai, S.; Nakayama, T.; Yokoyama, S.; Murakami, K.; Fujioka, T.: Minute primary extramedullary plasmacytomas of the large intestine
Ferreira, F.; Bastos, P.; Cardoso, H.; Nunes, A. C. R.; Macedo, G.: Retention of endoscopic capsule in an umbilical hernia
Nonaka, K.; Honda, Y.; Gushima, R.; Maki, Y.; Sakurai, K.; Iyama, K.; Sasaki, Y.: Narrow-band imaging of interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma originating in the duodenum
Tsao, S. K. K.; Toyonaga, T.; Morita, Y.; Fujita, T.; Hayakumo, T.; Azuma, T.: Modified fishing-line traction system in endoscopic submucosal dissection of large esophageal tumors
Cârţână, T.; Săftoiu, A.; Popescu, C.; Gheonea, D. I.; Ciurea, T.; Georgescu, I.: Delayed peritonitis after endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of a metastatic celiac lymph node
Khashab, M. A.; Canto, M. I.; Singh, V. K.; Ali, S. Z.; Fishman, E. K.; Edil, B. H.; Giday, S.: A rare case of peripancreatic Castleman’s disease diagnosed preoperatively by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration
Hirano, A.; Nakamura, S.; Fujita, K.; Hirahashi, M.; Matsumoto, T.: Aphthous lesions of the colon as a manifestation of metastasized breast cancer
Kim, E. S.; Chun, H. J.; Keum, B.; Seo, Y. S.; Kim, Y. S.; Jeen, Y. T.; Lee, H. S.; Um, S. H.; Kim, C. D.; Ryu, H. S.: Endoscopic retrieval of a metal stent embedded in the colon wall
Sadio, A.; Peixoto, P.; Cancela, E.; Castanheira, A.; Marques, V.; Ministro, P.; Silva, A.; Caldas, A.: Intramural hematoma: a rare complication of endoscopic injection therapy for bleeding peptic ulcers
Alves de Lima, D. C.; Alberti, L. R.: Breast cancer metastasis to the colon
Lee, Y. K.; Wang, H. Y.; Shyung, L. R.; Chang, C. W.; Chen, M. J.: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor: an unusual submucosal lesion of the stomach
Fujii, K.; Suzuki, K.; Goto, A.; Nakahata, K.; Matsunaga, Y.; Wakasugi, H.; Itoh, M.; Yonezawa, K.; Abe, T.; Shinomura, Y.: Pancreatic-colonic fistula successfully treated with endoscopic transpapillary nasopancreatic drainage
Nakanishi, Y.; Miyamoto, S.; Ishizu, S.; Seno, H.; Muto, M.; Chiba, T.: An unusual cause of dysphagia after endoscopic resection of an early esophageal cancer
Gruttadauria, S.; Li Petri, S.; Echeverri, G. J.; Ricotta, C.; Tarantino, I.; Traina, M.; Gridelli, B.: Liver abscess and septic shock as an unusual complication after endoscopic ampullectomy
Ichikawa, R.; Hosoe, N.; Imaeda, H.; Takabayashi, K.; Bessho, R.; Ida, Y.; Naganuma, M.; Hisamatsu, T.; Inoue, N.; Kanai, T.; Iwao, Y.; Mukai, M.; Hibi, T.; Ogata, H.: Evaluation of small-intestinal abnormalities in adult patients with Henoch–Schönlein purpura using video capsule
Del Pozo, D.; Moral, I.; Poves, E.; Sanz, C.; Martín, M.: Subcapsular hepatic hematoma following ERCP: case report and review
Ivekovic, H.; Rustemovic, N.; Brkic, T.; Opacic, M.; Pulanic, R.; Ostojic, R.; Vucelic, B.: The esophagus as a working channel: successful closure of a large Mallory–Weiss tear with clips and an endoloop
Yamashita, K.; Arimura, Y.; Tanuma, T.; Endo, T.; Hasegawa, T.; Shinomura, Y.: Pattern of growth of a gastric inflammatory fibroid polyp with PDGFRA overexpression
Lenz, J. I.; Hubens, G. J.; Pelckmans, P. A.; Moreels, T. G.: Serious complication following use of StomaphyX
Schneider, A.; Maunoury, V.; Leteurtre, E.; Turck, D.; Gottrand, F.; Michaud, L.: Pseudostratified ciliated metaplasia of the distal esophagus diagnosed at adolescence
Park, S.; Chun, H. J.; Keum, B.; Lee, B. J.; Seo, Y. S.; Kim, Y. S.; Park, J. J.; Jeen, Y. T.; Lee, H. S.; Um, S. H.; Kim, C. D.; Ryu, H. S.: Successful salvage treatment of peptic duodenal stenosis with repeat insertion of self-expanding stent after failed balloon dilation
Nogales Rincon, O.; Huerta Madrigal, A.; Merino Rodriguez, B.; Gonzalez Asanza, C.; Cos Arregui, E.; Menchen Fernandez-Pacheco, P.: Esophageal obstruction due to a collapsed biodegradable esophageal stent
Molina-Infante, J.; Fernandez-Bermejo, M.; Vinagre-Rodríguez, G.: Severe gastric ischemia after combined sclerotherapy for bleeding gastric ulcer
Khashab, M. A.; Canto, M. I.; Singh, V. K.; Hruban, R. H.; Makary, M. A.; Giday, S.: Endosonographic and elastographic features of a rare epidermoid cyst of an intrapancreatic accessory spleen
Pinto, J.; Afonso, M.; Veloso, R.; Tente, D.; Fernandes, S.; Proença, L.; Carvalho, J.; Pontes, J. M.; Fraga, J.: Benign schwannoma of the hepatoduodenal ligament
Neumann, H.; Vieth, M.; Siebler, J.; Bernatik, T.; Neurath, M. F.; Boxberger, F.: Fluorescein-aided endomicroscopy for detection of signet ring cell carcinoma
Muramoto, T.; Oono, Y.; Fu, K.-I.; Ikematsu, H.; Yano, T.; Kojima, T.; Minashi, K.; Kaneko, K.: Inverted sessile serrated polyp diagnosed by magnifying image-enhanced colonoscopy
Edakkanambeth Varayil, J.; Smyrk, T. C.; de Groen, P. C.: Five interval colorectal cancers
Villa Jiménez, O. M.; Hernández Garcés, H. R.; Ruenes Domech, C.; Hano García, O. M.; Quintero Cayola, S.; Guerra Mesa, J. L.; Pérez Triana, F.; Wood Rodríguez, L.: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the small bowel with colon metastasis
Colaiacovo, R.; de Castro, A. C. F.; Shiang, C.; Ganc, R. L.; Ferrari, A. P.: Disseminated histoplasmosis: a rare cause of multiple ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract
Mavrogenis, G.; Coumaros, D.; Lakhrib, N.; Renard, C.; Bellocq, J. P.; Leroy, J.: Mixed cavernous hemangioma-lymphangioma of the jejunum: detection by wireless capsule endoscopy
Jayaraman, V.; Wilkinson, M. N.; Nagula, S.; Siebel, M.; Bucobo, J. C.; Zee, S.; Buscaglia, J. M.: Primary jejunal angiosarcoma: an extremely rare tumor diagnosed by means of anterograde spiral enteroscopy
Toussaint, E.; Flamen, P.; Demetter, P.; Matos, C.; Van Gossum, M.; Delhaye, M.; Closset, J.; Loi, P.; Deviere, J.; Arvanitakis, M.: A rare case of a pancreatic mass due to accessory spleen; when EUS-FNA is not enough
Kato, H.; Kawamoto, H.; Yamamoto, K.; Noma, Y.; Sonoyama, T.; Tsutsumi, K.; Fujii, M.; Kurihara, N.; Okada, H.: A newly designed plastic stent for multiple occluded metallic stents deployed in malignant hilar biliary strictures
Neumann, H.; Hunstiger, M.; Langner, C.; Neurath, M. F.; Vieth, M.: Bloody diarrhea caused by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC)
Kayhan, B.; Olmez, S.; Ozaslan, E.; Uner, E.; Turhan, N.; Koseoglu, T.; Purnak, T.: Dysphagia resolved with vitamin B12 therapy: a case of esophageal parakeratosis
Kogure, H.; Miyabayashi, K.; Tsujino, T.; Isayama, H.; Tateishi, R.; Koike, K.: Spontaneous dislodgement of a biliary tumor in a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma
Colaiacovo, R.; Ganc, R. L.; Leone, A. C.; Medeiros, M. T.; Rossini, L. G.: Diagnosis of left adrenal paracoccidioidomycosis by endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration
Kawakubo, K.; Isayama, H.; Tsujino, T.; Nakai, Y.; Sasahira, N.; Kogure, H.; Sasaki, T.; Yamamoto, N.; Hirano, K.; Tada, M.; Koike, K.: Peroral cholangioscopy in a patient with a Billroth II gastrectomy using the SpyGlass Direct Visualization System
Cordero-Ruiz, P.; Romero-Vázquez, J.; Pellicer-Bautista, F.; Herrerías-Gutiérrez, J. M.: Appendiceal mucocele in a young patient – does size matter?
Huang, T.-Y.; Liu, Y.-C.; Lee, H.-S.; Chu, H.-C.; Chen, P.-J.; Weng, J.-W.; Fu, C.-K.; Hsu, K.-F.: Inverted Meckel’s diverticulum mimicking an ulcerated pedunculated polyp: detection by single-balloon enteroscopy
Chowdhury, S. D.; Dutta, A. K.; Pal, S.; Leena, R. V.; Chacko, A.: Jejunogastric intussusception causing gastrointestinal bleeding
Mou, S.; Kaltenbach, T.; Yao, M.; Soetikno, R.: Superficial pharyngeal cancer can be diagnosed in the West
Tomiki, Y.; Ishiyama, S.; Sugimoto, K.; Takahashi, M.; Kojima, Y.; Tanaka, M.; Sakamoto, K.: Colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection by using latex-band traction
Toth, E.; Nielsen, J.; Nemeth, A.; Wurm Johansson, G.; Syk, I.; Mangell, P.; Almqvist, P.; Thorlacius, H.: Treatment of a benign colorectal anastomotic stricture with a biodegradable stent
Noh, H. J.; Koo, J. S.; Oh, H. Y.; Yun, J. W.; Jung, S. W.; Lee, E. S.; Yim, H. J.; Lee, S. W.; Choi, J. H.: Lymphoepithelial cyst of the upper esophagus
Rebeuh, J.; Willot, S.; Bouron-Dal Soglio, D.; Patey, N.; Herzog, D.; Faure, C.: Esophageal squamous papilloma in children
Arroyo, Q.; Argüelles-Arias, F.; Jimenez-Saenz, M.; Herrerias-Gutierrez, J. M.; Pellicer Bautista, F.: Dysphagia caused by migrated mesh after paraesophageal hernia repair
Nakagawa, Y.; Nagai, T.; Okawara, H.; Nakashima, H.; Hisamatsu, A.; Shuto, M.; Yamauchi, M.; Kai, S.; Yokoyama, S.; Murakami, K.; Fujioka, T.: Acute hemorrhagic colitis induced by the oral administration of oseltamivir used for influenza A treatment
Tano, S.; Tanaka, K.; Iguchi, T.; Nishikawa, K.; Takayama, R.; Ninomiya, K.; Inoue, H.; Katsurahara, M.; Horiki, N.; Takei, Y.: Large retention cyst with chondromatous metaplasia in the esophagus
Takakura, K.; Kato, T.; Arihiro, S.; Miyazaki, T.; Arai, Y.; Nakao, Y.; Komoike, N.; Itagaki, M.; Odagi, I.; Hirohama, K.; Saruta, M.; Matsuoka, M.; Tajiri, H.: Selective ligation using a detachable snare for small-intestinal polyps in patients with Peutz–Jeghers syndrome
Despott, E. J.; Tadrous, P. J.; Naresh, K. N.; Savio, A.; Marshall, M.; Saunders, B. P.: An unusual finding at screening colonoscopy: polypoid follicular lymphoma with marginal zone differentiation
Sasahira, N.; Isayama, H.; Nagano, R.; Kogure, H.; Yamamoto, K.; Kawakubo, K.; Yamamoto, N.; Hirano, K.; Tada, M.; Kubota, K.; Koike, K.: Noncalcified pancreatic stone treated with electrohydraulic lithotripsy using SpyGlass pancreatoscopy
Hoshino, K.; Shibata, D.; Miyagi, T.; Yamamoto, Y.; Arakaki, S.; Maeshiro, T.; Hokama, A.; Kinjo, F.; Takahashi, K.; Fujita, J.: Cytomegalovirus-associated gastric ulcers in a patient with dermatomyositis treated with steroid and cyclophosphamide pulse therapy
Khanna, S.; Arora, A. S.; Topazian, M. D.: Esophageal vascular ectasia
Chittmittraprap, S.; Intragumtornchai, T.; Wisedopas, N.; Rerknimitr, R.: Recurrent mantle cell lymphoma presenting as a solitary rectal mass
Ferreira, F.; Gonçalves, R.; Vilas-Boas, F.; Macedo, G.: Migration of esophageal self-expandable metal stent to the pleural cavity
Grape, T.; Wurm Johansson, G.; Eriksson, M.; Toth, E.; Thorlacius, H.: Primary gastroduodenal amyloidosis
Chhaya, V.; Gupta, S.; Arnaout, A.: Mucormycosis causing giant gastric ulcers
Mavrogenis, G.; Coumaros, D.; Tzilves, D.; Rapti, E.; Stefanidis, G.; Leroy, J.; Becmeur, F.: Cyanoacrylate glue in the management of blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome
Jahn, S. W.; Liegl, B.; Leskowschek, H.; Spreizer, C.; Langner, C.: Angiosarcoma at the anastomotic site mimicking local recurrence of rectal adenocarcinoma
Chang, C. W.; Chang, C. W.; Wang, H. Y.; Chen, M. J.; Lin, S. C.; Chang, W. H.; Lee, J. J.: Intermittent small-bowel obstruction due to a mobile bezoar diagnosed with single-balloon enteroscopy
Kodani, T.; Osada, T.; Terai, T.; Ohkusa, T.; Shibuya, T.; Sakamoto, N.; Beppu, K.; Kato, J.; Nagahara, A.; Watanabe, H.; Watanabe, S.: Successful endoscopic mucosal resection of a solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma in the sigmoid colon
Rana, S. S.; Bhasin, D. K.; Sharma, V.; Chaudhary, V.; Singh, K.: Dysphagia as the first manifestation of tuberculosis
Kemp, C. D.; Arnold, C. A.; Torbenson, M. S.; Stein, E. M.: An unusual polyp: a pedunculated leiomyoma of the sigmoid colon
Courcoutsakis, N.; Pitiakoudis, M.; Mimidis, K.; Vradelis, S.; Astrinakis, E.; Prassopoulos, P.: Capsule retention in a giant Meckel’s diverticulum containing multiple enteroliths
Nakagawa, Y.; Abe, T.; Uchida, M.; Inoue, K.; Ogawa, R.; Mizukami, K.; Okimoto, T.; Kodama, M.; Murakami, K.; Fujioka, T.: Hemorrhagic pseudoaneurysm in a pancreatic pseudocyst after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for pancreatolithiasis
Ioncica, A. M.; Atiq, M.; Lee, J. H.; Saftoiu, A.; Bhutani, M. S.: Gastric and pancreatic metastases from pleomorphic lung carcinoma
Kim, Y. J.; Satapathy, S. K.; Law, L.; Volfson, A.; Friedman, B.; Yang, S.; Sung, C.; Siegel, D. S.; DeVito, B.: Hematemesis from ruptured aberrant right hepatic artery aneurysm eroding through the duodenal wall
Vleggaar, F. P.; bij de Vaate, E. A.; Valk, G. D.; Leguit, R. J.; Siersema, P. D.: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided ethanol ablation of a symptomatic sporadic insulinoma
Ikuta, K.; Fujiya, M.; Hatayama, M.; Ueno, N.; Moriichi, K.; Torimoto, Y.; Kohgo, Y.: Recurrent lesion of mantle cell lymphoma in the sigmoid colon detected by endoscopic autofluorescence imaging
Kawakubo, K.; Isayama, H.; Takahara, N.; Yamamoto, N.; Kogure, H.; Sasaki, T.; Hirano, K.; Sasahira, N.; Tada, M.; Koike, K.: Hemobilia as a rare complication after endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration for hilar cholangiocarcinoma
Dworschak, G.; Dulic-Lakovic, E.; Dulic, M.; Neumann, C.; Glaser, K.; Holzäpfel, A.; Gschwantler, M.: Bile acid diarrhea as the leading symptom of misplacement of a biliary stent into the colon
Papanikolaou, I. S.; Foukas, P. G.; Sioulas, A.; Beintaris, I.; Panagopoulos, P.; Karamanolis, G.; Panayiotides, I. G.; Dimitriadis, G.; Triantafyllou, K.: A case of gastric ischemic necrosis
Kuroha, M.; Endo, K.; Sato, Y.; Shiga, H.; Kakuta, Y.; Takahashi, S.; Kinouchi, Y.; Shimosegawa, T.: Magnifying endoscopy findings in follicular lymphoma of the rectum using narrow band imaging
Annaházi, A.; Terhes, G.; Deák, J.; Tiszlavicz, L.; Rosztóczy, A.; Wittmann, T.; Róka, R.: Fulminant Epstein–Barr virus esophagitis in an immunocompetent patient
Molina-Infante, J.; Fernandez-Bermejo, M.; Mateos-Rodriguez, J. M.: Migrated surgical clip-induced choledocholithiasis
Kawakubo, K.; Isayama, H.; Tsujino, T.; Sasahira, N.; Nakai, Y.; Kogure, H.; Sasaki, T.; Yamamoto, N.; Hirano, K.; Tada, M.; Koike, K.: Endoscopic retrieval of a migrated stent after endoscopic ultrasound-guided choledochoduodenostomy
Seo, H. J.; Kim, Y. J.; Cho, K. B.; Kim, E. S.; Hwang, I. S.; Baek, S. K.; Park, K. S.: Nodal metastasis after successful endoscopic submucosal dissection for colorectal mucosal cancer
Vázquez Rey, M. T.; González Conde, B.; Alonso Aguirre, P. A.; Couto Wörner, I.; Estévez Prieto, E.; Crespo Suárez, B.; Salazar Laya, A.: Retrieval of proximally migrated plastic biliary stents using a metal stent
Kim, S. Y.; Koo, J. S.; Hynun, J. J.; Jung, S. W.; Choung, R. S.; Yim, H. J.; Lee, S. W.; Choi, J. H.: Charcoal-induced pseudomelanosis ilei
Wagenvoort, G. H. J.; van Mook, W. N. K. A.; Bodelier, A. G. L.: Clindamycin-induced esophageal ulceration
Nakazuru, S.; Yoshio, T.; Ogawa, Y.; Yuguchi, K.; Hasegawa, H.; Sakakibara, Y.; Kodama, Y.; Uehira, T.; Mita, E.: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated duodenal lymphoma
Canhoto, M.; Arroja, B.; Silva, F.; Gonçalves, C.; Cotrim, I.; Vasconcelos, H.: Needle-knife incisional treatment of refractory esophagic caustic stenosis
Ziachehabi, A.; Maieron, A.; Hoheisel, U.; Bachl, A.; Hagenauer, R.; Schöfl, R.: Capsule retention in a Zenker’s diverticulum
Endo, T.; Adachi, Y.; Mita, H.; Arimura, Y.: ERCP using transgastrostomic endoscopy
Cheon, Y. K.; Moon, J. H.; Choi, H. J.; Lee, J. E.; Lee, Y. N.; Cho, Y. D.; Lee, T. H.; Park, S. H.; Kim, S. J.: Direct peroral pancreatoscopy with an ultraslim endoscope for the evaluation of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms
Lenz, L.; Luz, G.; Felipe-Silva, A.; Nakao, F.; Libera, E.; Chaves, D.; Sugai, B.; Rohr, R.: Tiny fibrovascular polyps of the esophagus as incidental findings – look carefully or you might miss them
Dellaportas, D.; Vezakis, A.; Fragulidis, G.; Tasoulis, M.; Karamitopoulou, E.; Polydorou, A.: Gastrosplenic fistula secondary to lymphoma, manifesting as upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Inoue, H.; Tano, S.; Takayama, R.; Nimomiya, K.; Nishikawa, K.; Katurahara, M.; Horiki, N.; Takei, Y.: Right hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm: rare complication of plastic biliary stent insertion
Armengol-Miro, J. R.; Dot, J.; Abu-Suboh Abadia, M.; Masachs, M.; Salord, J. C.; Armengol Bertroli, J.; Benages, A.; Kantsevoy, S. V.: New endoscopic suturing device for closure of chronic gastrocutaneous fistula in an immunocompromised patient
Perri, F.; Terracciano, F.; Gentile, M.; Merla, A.; Scimeca, D.; Andriulli, A.: Endoscopic removal of gallstone impacted in the rectum
Aydinli, M.; Koruk, I.; Koruk, S.; Aydin, U.; Kadayifci, A.: Intraoperative cholangioscopy with an ultrathin endoscope for hemobilia
Suksamanapun, N.; Trakarnsanga, A.; Akaraviputh, T.: Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome
Perri, F.; Gentile, M.; Scimeca, D.; Terracciano, F.; Merla, A.; Spirito, F.; Andriulli, A.: Closure of a gastrocutaneous fistula by a tulip-bundle technique

Unusual Cases and Technical Notes


Unusual cases and technical notes



Unusal cases and technical notes


Arroyo, Q.; Argüelles-Arias, F.; Jimenez-Saenz, M.; Herrerias-Gutierrez, J. M.; Pellicer Bautista, F.: Dysphagia caused by migrated mesh after paraesophageal hernia repair
Takaki, Y.; Yao, K.; Yano, Y.; Matsui, T.; Tanabe, H.; Haraoka, S.; Iwashita, A.; Nakashima, R.: Esophageal tuberculosis: a microgranuloma visualized by narrow-band imaging magnifying endoscopy

UCTN – Unusual cases and technical notes

Takaki, Y.; Yao, K.; Yano, Y.; Matsui, T.; Tanabe, H.; Haraoka, S.; Iwashita, A.; Nakashima, R.: Esophageal tuberculosis: a microgranuloma visualized by narrow-band imaging magnifying endoscopy