DOI: 10.1055/s-00000031

Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde

Issue 11 · Volume 237 · November 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49765

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Schritt für Schritt


Lagrèze, Wolf: Editorial Editorial

Klinische Studie

Beisse, Flemming; Ring, Alina; Wilhelm, Helmut; Beisse, Christina: The Swinging Flashlight Test – Flawed Execution and Interpretation in Ophthalmological Routine Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Book, Marius; Ziegler, Martin; Rothaus, Kai; Faatz, Henrik; Gunnemann, Marie-Louise; Gutfleisch, Matthias; Spital, Georg; Lommatzsch, Albrecht Peter; Pauleikhoff, Daniel: Analysis of the Vascular Morphology of the Fibrotic Choroidal Neovascularization in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Michelson, Georg; Forst, Thomas: Diabetic Macular Edema in Diabetological Practices Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Wagner, Helena; Stifter, Julia; Engesser, Diana; Atzrodt, Lisa; Betancor, Paola Kammrath; Böhringer, Daniel; Faessler, Markus; Wuermeling, Martin; Reinhard, Thomas: Ophthalmic Care in Nursing Homes for the Blind: A Growing Challenge Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Kramp, Kristina; Suffo, Shady; Laun, Daniel; Bischoff-Jung, Mona; Huber, Manuela; Langenbucher, Achim; Seitz, Berthold: Analyse von Einflussfaktoren auf die Eignung von kornealem Spendergewebe in der LIONS Hornhautbank Saar-Lor-Lux, Trier/Westpfalz von 2006 bis 2016 Analysis of Factors Influencing the Suitability of Donor Corneas in the LIONS Cornea Bank Saar-Lor-Lux, Trier/Westpfalz from 2006 to 2016
Klewin, Dorothea A.; Dietlein, Thomas S.; Haverkamp, Heinz: Glaukomdrainageimplantate – Evaluation chirurgischer Modifikationen zur Vermeidung postoperativer Komplikationen Glaucoma Drainage Devices – Evaluation of Surgical Modifications to Avoid Postoperative Complications
Faust, Christiane; Dietrich-Ntoukas, Tina; Steven, Philipp: Zweite Umfrage zur Versorgungsstruktur der okulären Graft-versus-Host Disease in Deutschland Second Survey on Patient-centred Care of Ocular Graft-versus-Host Disease in Germany


Beisse, Flemming; Beisse, Christina: Current Recommendations on Optic Neuritis Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Wildemann, Brigitte; Horstmann, Solveig; Korporal-Kuhnke, Mirjam; Viehöver, Andrea; Jarius, Sven: Aquaporin-4- und Myelin-Oligodendrozyten-Glykoprotein-Antikörper-assoziierte Optikusneuritis: Diagnose und Therapie Aquaporin-4 and Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Optic Neuritis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Küchlin, Sebastian; Lagrèze, Wolf Alexander: Ophthalmological Management of Patients with Pituitary Adenomas Article in several languages: English | deutsch


Biewald, Eva; Schlüter, Sabrina; Kiefer, Tobias; Dalbah, Sami; Bornfeld, Norbert; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.: Tumoren und Pseudotumoren der Netzhaut und des Ziliarepithels Tumors and Pseudotumors of the Retina and the Ciliary Epithelium