DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Ausgabe 04 · Volume 10 · Juli 1978 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-13391


Dieterle, P.; Bachl, I.; Bachl, G.; Henner, J.; Frommeld, D.; Minkus, P.; Dieterle, C.; Hesse, K. P.; Nassehinajad, F.: Muscle Metabolism during Exercise in Diabetics and in Obese during Starvation
Berchtold, P.; Berger, M.; Cüppers, H. J.; Herrmann, J.; Nieschlag, E.; Rudorff, K.; Zimmermann, H.; Krüskemper, H. L.: Non-Glucoregulatory Hormones (T4, T3, rT3, TSH, Testosterone) during Physical Exercise in Juvenile-Type Diabetics
Kawanishi, K.; Goto, A.; Ishida, T.; Kawamura, K.; Nishina, Y.; Machida, S.; Yamamoto, S.; Ofuji, T.: The Effects of Xenopsin on Endocrine Pancreas and Gastric Antrum in Dogs
Conway, M.; Freidrich, J.; Schade, D.; Buckman, M.; Eaton, R. P.: The Effect of Altered Autonomic Tone on Alanine Induced Insulin Secretion
Wajchenberg, B. L.; Cesar, F. P.; Leme, C. E.; Souza, I. T.; Pieroni, R. R.; Mattar, E.: Carbohydrate Metabolism in Thyrotoxicosis: Studies on Insulin Secretion before and after Remission from the Hyperthyroid State
de Nutte, N.; Demeester-Mirkine, N.; Six, R.; Corvilain, J.; de Backer, M.: Urinary Cyclic AMP in Hyperthyroidism
Brodie, M. J.; Graham, D. J. M.; Goldberg, A.; Beastall, G. H.; Ratcliffe, W. A.; Ratcliffe, J. G.; Yeo, P. P. B.: Thyroid Function in Acute Intermittent Porphyria: A Neurogenic Cause of Hyperthyroidism?
Simonnet, G.; Moura, A. M.; Bagdiantz, A.; Blanquet, P.: Calcitonin Diuretic Effect in the Rabbit

Short Communications

Balestreri, R.; Bertolini, S.; Castello, C.; Fattorini, A.; Fuliano, P.; Jacopino, G. E.; Foppiani, E.: Effects of Dihydroergocristine on Glucagon Induced Lipolysis and Insulin Release in Man
Shapiro, B.; Sheppard, M.; Kronheim, S.; Pimstone, B.: Transrenal Gradient of Serum Somatostatin-Like Immunoreactivity in the Rat
Stout, R. W.; Balmer, J. P.; Henry, R. W.; Buchanan, K. D.: Plasma Lipids and Gastro-Intestinal Hormones in Subjects with Gallstones
Pozzilli, P.; Tamburrano, G.; Mercalli, M. E.; Javicoli, M.: Raised Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Levels in Acromegaly
Dash, R. J.; Samuel, E.; Kaur, S.; Datta, B. N.; Rastogi, G. K.: Evaluation of Male Gonadal Function in Leprosy