DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 08 · Volume 102 · 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-36047

Editorial Focus


Theme Issue Editorial

Theme Issue Article

Chavakis, Emmanouil; Choi, Eun Young; Chavakis, Triantafyllos: Novel aspects in the regulation of the leukocyte adhesion cascade
Lievens, Dirk; Eijgelaar, Wouter J.; Biessen, Erik A. L.; Daemen, Mat J. A. P.; Lutgens, Esther: The multi-functionality of CD40L and its receptor CD40 in atherosclerosis
Schuett, Harald; Luchtefeld, Maren; Grothusen, Christina; Grote, Karsten; Schieffer, Bernhard: How much is too much? Interleukin-6 and its signalling in atherosclerosis
van Puijvelde, Gijs H. M.; van Wanrooij, Eva J. A.; Hauer, Arnaud D.; de Vos, Paula; van Berkel, Theo J. C.; Kuiper, Johan: Effect of natural killer T cell activation on initiation of atherosclerosis
Eijgelaar, Wouter J.; Heeneman, Sylvia; Daemen, Mat J. A. P.: The vulnerable patient: Refocusing on the plaque?

Review Article

Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis

Saunders, Rebecca E.; Shiltagh, Nuha; Gomez, Keith; Mellars, Gillian; Cooper, Carolyn; Perry, David J.; Tuddenham, Edward G.; Perkins, Stephen J.: Structural analysis of eight novel and 112 previously reported missense mutations in the interactive FXI mutation database reveals new insight on FXI deficiency
Tiscia, Giovanni; Colaizzo, Donatella; Chinni, Elena; Pisanelli, Daniela; Sciannamè, Natale; Favuzzi, Giovanni; Margaglione, Maurizio; Grandone, Elvira: Haplotype M2 in the annexin A5 (ANXA5) gene and the occurrence of obstetric complications
Jug, Borut; Vene, Nina; Salobir, Barbara Gužic; Šebeštjen, Miran; Šabovic, Mišo; Keber, Irena: Prognostic impact of haemostatic derangements in chronic heart failure

Platelets and Blood Cells

Crescente, Marilena; Jessen, Gisela; Momi, Stefania; Höltje, Hans-Dieter; Gresele, Paolo; Cerletti, Chiara; de Gaetano, Giovanni: Interactions of gallic acid, resveratrol, quercetin and aspirin at the platelet cyclooxygenase-1 level Functional and modelling studies

Endothelium and Vascular Development

Strijbos, Michiel H.; Verhoef, Cornelis; Gratama, Jan W.; Sleijfer, Stefan: On the origin of (CD105+) circulating endothelial cells

Cardiovascular Biology and Cell Signalling

Matsuyama, Tomomi; Kuwana, Masataka; Matsumoto, Masanori; Isonishi, Ayami; Inokuma, Shigeko; Fujimura, Yoshihiro: Heterogeneous pathogenic processes of thrombotic microangiopathies in patients with connective tissue diseases
Rao, Veena S.; Khadrinarasimhaih, Natesha B.; Kanjilal, Saikat; Mukerjee, Manjari; Kakkar, Vijay V.: Genetic contribution to variation in atherothrombotic phenotypes in the Asian Indian population

Animal Models

Watanabe, Naoko; Ikeda, Hitoshi; Kume, Yukio; Satoh, Yumiko; Kaneko, Makoto; Takai, Daiya; Tejima, Kazuaki; Nagamine, Masakazu; Mashima, Hirosato; Tomiya, Tomoaki; Noiri, Eisei; Omata, Masao; Matsumoto, Masanori; Fujimura, Yoshihiro; Yatomi, Yutaka: Increased production of ADAMTS13 in hepatic stellate cells contributes to enhanced plasma ADAMTS13 activity in rat models of cholestasis and steatohepatitis

New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Siller-Matula, Jolanta M.; Gouya, Ghazaleh; Wolzt, Michael; Jilma, Bernd: Cross validation of the Multiple Electrode Aggregometry
Blais, Normand; Pharand, Chantal; Lordkipanidzé, Marie; Sia, Ying K.; Merhi, Yahye; Diodati, Jean G.: Response to aspirin in healthy individuals

Letter to the Editor

Watzka, Matthias; Westhofen, Philipp; Hass, Moritz; Marinova, Milka; Pötzsch, Bernd; Oldenburg, Johannes: Polymorphisms in VKORC1 and GGCX are not major genetic determinants of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor activity in Western Germans