DOI: 10.1055/s-00000094

Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie

Issue 12 · Volume 61 · December 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-58752


Sandmann, Lisa; Berg, Thomas; Deterding, Katja; Fischer, Nadine; Hinrichsen, Holger; Petersen, Jörg; Tacke, Frank; Cornberg, Markus; Collaborators Antiviral Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis D Virus Infection – Addendum to the S3 Guideline “Prophylaxis, Diagnosis and Therapy of Hepatitis B Virus Infection” of the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS)
Sandmann, Lisa; Berg, Thomas; Deterding, Katja; Fischer, Nadine; Hinrichsen, Holger; Petersen, Jörg; Tacke, Frank; Cornberg, Markus; Collaborators Addendum „Antivirale Therapie der chronischen Hepatitis-D-Virusinfektion“ zur S3-Leitlinie „Prophylaxe, Diagnostik und Therapie der Hepatitis-B-Virusinfektion“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS)

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Behrens, Angelika; Ell, Christian; Studiengruppe ALGK-ProSed; (Working Group of Senior Gastroenterological Hospital Physicians); Prof. Thomas Frieling, chair of the Board of the Hospital Gastroenterology Consultants working group (ALGK); Prof. Dr. Joachim Labenz, Co-chair of the Board of the Hospital Gastroenterology Consultants working group (ALGK); (in order of endoscopy numbers submitted); Prof. Dr. Andrea May, Prof. Dr. Christian Ell, Sana Klinikum Offenbach, Medical Clinic II, Offenbach; Dr. Mark Ellrichmann, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Clinic for Internal Medicine 1, Kiel; Prof. Dr. Dieter Schilling, Diakonissenkrankenhaus Mannheim, Medical Clinic II, Mannheim; Anton Kreuzmayr, MD, Traunstein Hospital, Clinic for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Traunstein, Germany; Prof. Dr. Volker, Schmitz, Dr. Clemens Ballmann, St. Marienwörth Hospital, Internal Medicine, Bad Kreuznach; Prof. Dr. Christian von Tirpitz, Sana Kliniken Landkreis Biberach, Medical Clinic, Biberach; Prof. Dr. Claus Schäfer, Klinikum Neumarkt, Medical Clinic II, Neumarkt; Prof. Dr. Rainer Porschen, Klinikum Bremen-Ost, Internal Medicine, Bremen; Dr. Christoph Vogt, St. Josef Hospital Moers, Internal Medicine, Moers; Prof. Dr. Thomas Rabenstein, Diakonissen-Stiftungs-Krankenhaus Speyer, Clinic for Internal Medicine, Speyer; Dr. Matthias Maier, Knappschaftsklinikum Saar, Internal Medicine, Püttlingen; Dr. Claus Benz, Evangelisches Klinikum Köln-Weyertal, Internal Medicine, Cologne; Dr. Werner Hoffmann, St. Anna Hospital, Medical Clinic II, Herne; Prof. Dr. Mathias Plauth, Dr. Jens-Uwe Jetschmann, Dessau Clinic, Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Dessau; Prof. Dr. Christoph Sarrazin, Dr. Thomas, Müller, St. Josefs Hospital, Medical Clinic II, Wiesbaden; PD Dr. Oliver Al-Taie, Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital, Medical Clinic, Gütersloh; Prof. Dr. Thomas Frieling, Helios Klinikum Krefeld, Internal Medicine II, Krefeld; Prof. Dr. Irmtraut Koop, Ev. Amalie Sieveking Hospital, General Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Hamburg; Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kleber, Ostalb Klinikum, Internal Medicine I, Aalen; PD Dr. Arthur Hoffman, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fischbach, Klinikum Aschaffenburg-Alzenau e. V., Medical Clinic II, Aschaffenburg; PD Dr. Matthias Bahr, Dr. Eike Burmester, Medical Clinic I, Sana Kliniken Lübeck, Lübeck; Dr. Ronni Veitt, Elisabeth Clinic Schmalkalden, Clinic for Internal Medicine I – Gastroenterology, Internal Oncology, Schmalkalden; Prof. Dr. Ralf Kiesslich, Dr. Horst Schmidt Clinics, Clinic for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Wiesbaden; Prof. Dr. Franz Ludwig Dumoulin, Bonn Community Hospital, General Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Diabetology, Bonn; Prof. Dr. Martin Krüger, Protestant Hospital Bethel, Clinic for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Bielefeld; Dr. Jens Kühne, Pius Hospital, Clinic for Internal Medicine, Oldenburg; Prof. Dr. Till Wehrmann, DKD Helios Clinic Wiesbaden, Gastroenterology, Wiesbaden; Prof. Dr. Christian Pehl, Vilsbiburg Hospital, Internal Medicine, Vilsbiburg; Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Karsten-H. Weylandt, Ruppiner Kliniken, Medical Clinic B, Neuruppin; Dr. Jan Multmeier, Berlin: Safety of endoscopist-guided sedation in a low-risk collective
Heise, Jürgen; Kreysel, Christian; Blank, Michael; Euler, Philipp; Melchior, Ilka; Johnen, Michaela; Planker, Manfred; Ballauff, Antje; Czypull, Martina; Frieling, Thomas: Bolusobstruktionen im Ösophagus – Eine Analyse über 5 Jahre Bolus obstruction within the esophagus – an analysis over 5 years
Walldorf, Jens; Mezger, Nikolaus Christian Simon; Weber, Lena; Knothe, Anja; Klose, Michelle; Moritz, Stefan; Kantelhardt, Eva Johanna; Feller, Stephan; Schlitt, Axel; Greinert, Robin; Michl, Patrick: Klimakrise: Welche gastroenterologischen Folgeerkrankungen dieses medizinischen Notfalls sollten wir kennen? Climate Crisis: What Gastrointestinal Complications of this Medical Emergency Should We Be Aware Of?


Wildner, Dane; Schlitt, Hans Jürgen; Bäuerle, Tobias; Haibach, Martina: Kontrastmittelsonografie eines fibrolamellären hepatozellulären Karzinoms Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound of Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Wiedbrauck, Damian; Flemming, Peer; Hollerbach, Stephan: Role of transduodenal endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration/biopsy (EUS-FNA/FNB) for diagnosis of retroperitoneal fibrosis (Ormond’s disease) Rolle der transduodenalen endosonografischen Feinnadelpunktion zur Diagnosestellung der Retroperitonealfibrose (Morbus Ormond)


Bintaro, Sabine; Dietrich, Christoph F.; Potthoff, Andrej: Principles for teaching sonography – current status Lehrkonzepte zur sonografischen Ausbildung – aktueller Stand


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