DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 03/04 · Volume 17 · 1967 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45043

Originalarbeiten - Original Articles - Travaux Originaux

Soulier, J. P; Prou-Wartelle, Odette; with the technical assistance of; Hallé, Liliane: Study of Thrombin-Coagulase
Hemker, H. C; Siepel, T; Altman, R; Loeliger, E. A: Kinetic Aspects of the Interaction of Blood-Clotting Enzymes
Gerald, D. E. Fitz; Szeto, Isabel L. F.; Spero, Joel; Lewis, Jessica H.: The Thrombolytic Effect of Heparin and a Heparin-Like Substance, SP 54
Roberts, P. S; Burkat, R. K: Purification of Human Plasminogen
Des Prez, R. M; Bryant, R. E; Katz, J. A; Brittingham, Th. E: Platelet Aggregation by Magnesium Ion
Markarian, Marguerite; Lindley, Annabelle; Jackson, Jacqueline J.; Bannon, Anne: Coagulation Factors in Pregnant Women and Premature Infants with and without the Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Nekrolog - Obituary - Nécrologe

Dietrich, C. P; Jaques, L. B: Dr. Walter Oswaldo Cruz