Psychiatr Prax 2006; 33(8): e29-e39
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-951857
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Sozialpsychiatrische Forschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Psychiatrie und Sozialmedizin

Social Psychiatry in the Field of Contrasting Context between Psychiatry and Social MedicineSandra  Dietrich1 , Anja  Born1 , Anita  Holzinger2
  • 1Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie der Universität Leipzig
  • 2Medizinische Universität Wien, Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
27 November 2006 (online)


Anliegen: Gibt es eine Krise der wissenschaftlichen Sozialpsychiatrie? Untersuchung der Stellung sozialpsychiatrischer Forschung innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Sozialmedizin. Methode: Vergleichende inhaltliche Analyse sozialpsychiatrischer Beiträge in zwei Fachzeitschriften („Das Gesundheitswesen” GHW, „Psychiatrische Praxis” PP) nach klinischem und theoretischem Bezug, eingesetzten Methoden, institutioneller Zugehörigkeit der Autoren. Ergebnisse: 10 % aller Arbeiten im GHW und 97 % in PP befassen sich mit sozialpsychiatrischen Themen. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Sozialpsychiatrie ist in der Sozialmedizin präsent, die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit sollte jedoch intensiviert werden.


Objective: There has been a discussion going on that Social Psychiatry has entered a state of crisis in terms of its socio-scientific roots. Little is known, however, about its relationship to Social Medicine. The question is whether Social Psychiatry, having grown apart from Sociology, has also lost its scientific relation to Social Medicine. Method: A systematic literature analysis of all works published in „Psychiatrische Praxis” - PP and „Das Gesundheitswesen” - GHW in the years 2004/2005 was done. All works concerning Social Psychiatry were analysed. The same procedure was applied to all abstracts, posters and presentations for the annual meetings of the German Society of Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP). Results: 10 % off all articles published in GHW and 97 % in PP address issues of Social Psychiatry. Apart from similarities in terms of their theoretical, practical and institutional background and the research methods applied, there are a number of differences. Conclusions: Social Psychiatry has not lost its scientific relation to Social Medicine, however, the scientific cooperation between the two needs to be intensified.


  • 1 Priebe S, Finzen A. On the different connotations of social psychiatry.  Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2002;  37 47-49
  • 2 Priebe S, Hoffmann K. Sozialpsychiatrie und gemeindenahe Versorgung. In: Freyberger HJ, Schneider W, Stieglitz RD (Hrsg) Kompendium Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatische Medizin. Basel; Karger 2002: 339-348
  • 3 Eikelmann B. Sozialpsychiatrisches Basiswissen. Grundlagen und Praxis. Stuttgart; Enke 1997
  • 4 Schumann H. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention e. V.,. 2006
  • 5 Finzen A. Das Pinelsche Pendel. Sozialpsychiatrische Texte 1998: 1
  • 6 Angermeyer M C, Kluge H, Riedel-Heller S G, Roick C. Social psychiatry without sociology. Analysis of a scientific journal.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 420-424
  • 7 Angermeyer M C, Winkler I. Wer, was, wie viel, wo?.  Psychiat Prax. 2001;  28 368-375
  • 8 Holzinger A, Angermeyer M C. Current topics of social-psychiatric research in German speaking countries: A content analysis of scientific journals.  Psychiat Prax. 2003;  30 424-437
  • 9 Abstracts - Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP).  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 563-645
  • 10 Abstracts - 4. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung verbunden mit den Jahrestagungen DGSMP und DGMS.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 503-583
  • 11 Abstractband - DGGPN-Kongress 2004.  Der Nervenarzt. 2004;  75 S41-S422
  • 12 Abstractband - DGGPN-Kongress 2005.  Der Nervenarzt. 2005;  76 S3-S399
  • 13 Angermeyer M C, Holzinger A. Is there currently a boom of stigma research in psychiatry? An analysis of scientific journals.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 399-407
  • 14 Ross T, Hintersdorf M, Hufnagel S, Konheisner S, Schellbach-Matties R, Pfafflin F. COMSKILLS: Assessing community living skills in offender groups.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 393-398
  • 15 Schmidt C K, Angermeyer M C, Riedel-Heller S G. Prevention - A topic in social-psychiatric research?.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 358-362
  • 16 Giessler A, Born A, Helm H, Puschner B, Becker T. Compliance in the treatment of schizophrenia - Results of an expert survey in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 349-357
  • 17 Watzke S, Galvao A, Gawlik B, Huhne M, Brieger P. Capability to work in vocational rehabilitation of the severe mentally ill: Initial predictors and change after six months.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 292-298
  • 18 Schmid R, Spiessl H, Cording C. Between responsibility and delimitation: Emotional distress of caregivers.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 272-280
  • 19 Schutzwohl M, Glockner M, Matthes C, Eichler T, Kallert T. The burden on relatives of acute mentally ill within the first four weeks of day hospital and inpatient treatment - Results from a randomized controlled trial.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 281-288
  • 20 Rusch N, Angermeyer M C, Corrigan P W. The stigma of mental illness: Concepts, forms, and consequences.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 221-232
  • 21 Happich M, Schweikert B, Muhlacher A. Cost-effectiveness of galantomine in a German context.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 142-150
  • 22 Kallert T W, Schonherr R, Schnippa S, Matthes C, Glockner M, Schutzwohl M. Direct costs of acute day hospital care: Results from a randomized controlled trial.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 132-141
  • 23 Fleischhacker W W, Widschwendter C. Extrapyramidal side-effects: Avoidance, diagnosis and treatment.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 25-30
  • 24 Braunig P, Kruger S. Catatonia - An overview.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 7-24
  • 25 Puschner B, Born A, Giessler A, Helm H, Becker T, Angermeyer M C. Effects of interventions to improve compliance with antipsychotic medication in people suffering from schizophrenia. Results of recent reviews.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 62-67
  • 26 Muller A, Reinecker H, Jacobi C, Reisch L, Zwaan M de. Pathological buying - A literature review.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 3-12
  • 27 Himmerich H, Schuld A, Pollmacher T. Weight gain during treatment with antipsychotics: Clinical relevance, pathophysiology, and therapeutical strategies.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 233-237
  • 28 Naber D, Lambert M, Karow A. Subjective well-being under antipsychotic treatment and its meaning for compliance and course of disease.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 230-232
  • 29 Kruger T, Schonhoff M, Dettling M. Neurocognition, psychosocial outcome and vocational integration.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 224-229
  • 30 Braus D F. Neurobiology of learning - The basis of an alteration process.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 215-223
  • 31 Finzel M, Fric M, Laux G. QTc interval prolongation in therapy with atypical antipsychotics - Results of an open, non-randomized survey.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 178-180
  • 32 Scherer J, Dobmeier P, Kuhn K, Schmaus W. Incidence of rigor during treatment with flupentixol decanoate in comparison to risperidone.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 167-169
  • 33 Putzhammer A, Perfahl M, Pfeiff L, Broll K, Hess L, Ibach B. Alterations of gait parameters under external cueing in schizophrenic patients: A switch study.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 164-166
  • 34 Ibach B, Koch H, Koller M, Hajak G, Putzhammer A. The situation of caregiver counselling in patients with frontotemporal lobar dementia in old psychiatry.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 120-122
  • 35 Ebner R, Schreiber W, Zierer C. Buprenorphine or methadone for detoxification of young opioid addicts?.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 108-110
  • 36 Langguth B, Eichhammer P, Zowe M, Marienhagen J, Kleinjung T, Jacob P. et al . Low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for the treatment of chronic tinnitus - Are there long-term effects?.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 52-54
  • 37 Kallert T W, Matthes C, Glockner M, Eichler T, Koch R, Schutzwohl M. Acute psychiatric day hospital treatment: Is the effectiveness of this treatment approach still questionable?.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 409-419
  • 38 Holzinger A, Matschinger H, Angermeyer M C. Research on public mental health in the German-speaking area - An analysis of scientific journals.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 369-377
  • 39 Weyerer S, Schaufele M, Schrag A, Zimber A. Dementia disorders, behavior problems and the care of clients in geriatric day-care compared to residents in homes for the elderly: A cross-sectional study in eight communities in Baden.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 339-345
  • 40 Wolf H, Gertz H J. Vascular dementia - Diagnosis, prevention and treatment.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 330-338
  • 41 Riedel-Heller S G, Luppa M, Angermeyer M C. Psychiatric epidemiology in Germany state of research.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 288-297
  • 42 Barkmann C, Schulte-Markwort M. Prevalence of emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents in Germany - A systematic literature review.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 278-287
  • 43 Wetterling T, Pest S, Mussigbrodt H, Weber B. Bodyweight in inpatients with schizophrenia.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 250-254
  • 44 Salize H J, Stamm K, Schubert M, Bergmann F, Harter M, Berger M. et al . Cost of care for depressive disorders in primary and specialized care in Germany.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 147-156
  • 45 Kilian R, Angermeyer M C. The impact of antipsychotic medication on the incidence and the costs of inpatient treatment in people with schizophrenia: Results from a prospective observational study.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 138-146
  • 46 Roick C, Thierfelder K, Heider D, Klemm T, Paschke R, Angermeyer M C. Quality of life instruments and health state preferences to assess effects of medical interventions for mentally and medically ill patients.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 128-137
  • 47 Konig H H. Measuring preferences of psychiatric patients - A review of the use of standard gamble, time trade-off and contingent valuation in patients with depression or schizophrenia.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 118-127
  • 48 Seifert J. The development of alcohol dependence in Germany - Results from a multicenterstudy.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 83-89
  • 49 Berger H, Fritz U. Medication in acute psychiatric treatment - Results of a survey of routine medication practice in psychiatric hospitals.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 68-73
  • 50 Kiese-Himmel C. Assessment of receptive and expressive language development in sensorineural hearing impaired children in a follow-up period.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 781-787
  • 51 Spannenkrebs M, Krugel C. A language intervention project at the preschool institutions in Biberach.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 777-780
  • 52 Queri S, Servaty M, Eckstein G, Tretter F. A patient flow analysis within the Munich addiction treatment system - A pilot study.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 763-769
  • 53 Knesebeck O dem, David K, Siegrist J. Psychosocial stress at work and musculoskeletal pain among police officers in special forces.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 674-679
  • 54 Voigt-Radloff S, Leonhart R, Schwer B, Junde I, Heiss H W. Speech therapy assessment: Field study on psychometric properties, practicability, acceptance and process quality.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 665-673
  • 55 Janke K H, Steder-Neukamm U, Bauer M, Raible A, Meisner C, Hoffmann J C. et al . Quality of life assessment in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): German version of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ-D; disease-specific instrument for quality of life assessment) - First application and comparison with international investigations.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 656-664
  • 56 Kroh M. Effects of interviews during body weight checks in general population surveys.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 646-655
  • 57 Haustein K O. Smoking and low socio-economic status.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 630-637
  • 58 Metz K, Kroger C, Buhringer G. Smoking cessation during treatment of alcohol dependence in drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres - A review.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 461-467
  • 59 Wildner M, Doring A, Meisinger C, Clark D E. Fractures in the elderly - a challenge for prevention and health promotion - Results from the KORA fracture study Augsburg.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 180-186
  • 60 Lengerke T von, Happich M, Reitmeir P, John J. Utilization of out- and inpatient health services by obese adults: a population-based study in the Augsburg region, Germany.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 150-157
  • 61 Eller M, Satzinger W, Holle R, Meisinger C, Thorand B. Disease management programmes in Germany: First reactions by patients suffering from diabetes.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 144-149
  • 62 Mielck A, Reisig V, Rathmann W. Health inequalities among persons with type 2 diabetes: The example of intermittent claudication.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 137-143
  • 63 Herder C, Illig T, Rathmann W, Martin S, Haastert B, Muller-Scholze S. et al . Inflammation and type 2 diabetes: Results from KORA Augsburg.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 115-121
  • 64 Rathmann W, Haastert B, Icks A, Herder C, Kolb H, Holle R. et al . The diabetes epidemic in the elderly population in Western Europe: data from population-based studies.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 110-114
  • 65 Meisinger C, Doring A, Heier M, Thorand B, Lowel H. Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Augsburg - An epidemiological overview.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 103-109
  • 66 Thorand B, Schneider A, Baumert J, Doring A, Marowsky-Koppl M, Heier M. et al . Case-cohort studies: An effective design for the investigation of biomarkers as risk factors for chronic diseases - Demonstrated by the example of the MONICA/KORA Augsburg case-cohort study 1984 - 2002.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 98-102
  • 67 Lederbogen F, Deuschle M. Dysfunction of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system - Background variable of relevant cardiovascular risk factors? - Description of a cooperative project.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 94-97
  • 68 Ladwig K H, Marten-Mittag B, Baumert J. Psychosocial factors as risk for coronary heart disease - Status with special reference to the KORA platform.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 86-93
  • 69 Peters A. Aeroso particles increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 79-85
  • 70 Schunkert H, Doring A, Kuch B, Holmer S, Luchner A, Muscholl M. et al . Cardiovascular phenotypes and functional parameters in the general population - Results of the MONICA/KORA studies.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 74-78
  • 71 Kuch B, Schunkert H, Muscholl M, Doring A, von Scheidt W, Hense H W. Distribution, determinants and reference values of left ventricular parameters in the general population - Results of the MONICA/KORA echocardiography studies.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 68-73
  • 72 Lamina C, Meisinger C, Heid I M, Rantner B, Doring A, Lowell H. et al . Ankle-brachial index and peripheral arterial disease.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 57-61
  • 73 Baumert J, Ladwig K H, Doring A, Lowel H, Wichmann H E. Temporal changes and determinants of smoking habits with respect to prevention.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 46-50
  • 74 Keil U. The worldwide WHO MONICA project: Results and perspectives.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 38-45
  • 75 Lowel H, Meisinger C, Heier M, Hormann A. The population-based acute myocardial infarction (AMI) registry of the MONICA/KORA study region of Augsburg.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 31-37
  • 76 Wichmann H E, Gieger C, Illig T. KORA-gen - Resource for population genetics, controls and a broad spectrum of disease phenotypes.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 26-30
  • 77 Holle R, Happich M, Lowel H, Wichmann H E. KORA - A research platform for population based health research.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 19-25
  • 78 Lowel H, Doring A, Schneider A, Heier M, Thorand B, Meisinger C. The MONICA Augsburg surveys - Basis for prospective cohort studies.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 13-18
  • 79 Langness A, Richter M, Hurrelmann K. Health behaviour in school-aged children - An international study.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 422-431
  • 80 Schrader P. Results of the HTA-Report on Robodoc (R) and 44 individual surveys and the consequences for the medical advisory service, the management of malpractices and the principles of future handling of innovations.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 389-395
  • 81 Schnabel M, Schunk T, Mann D, Lutkes P, Pfestroff S, Brusius K. et al . Further development of the diagnosis-related groups system - Fact or fiction? Differentiating case severities in patients with proximal femoral fractures 2003 - 2005.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 379-388
  • 82 Heudorf U, Meyer C. Heat waves and health - Analysis of the mortality in Frankfurt, Germany, during the heat wave in august 2003.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 369-374
  • 83 Wustmann T, Brieger P. A study of persons living in neglect, filth and squalor or who have a tendency to hoard.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 361-368
  • 84 Hasenbein U, Schulze A, Busse R, Wallesch C W. Physicians' attitudes concerning guidelines - An empirical survey in clinical departments of neurology.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 332-341
  • 85 Heinen-Kammerer T, Holtmannspotter C, Schnabel S, Motzkat K, Kiencke P, Rychlik R. Effectiveness of echinacin in therapy of chronic recurrent respiratory disease.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 296-301
  • 86 Weidenhammer W, Streng A, Jurgens S, Hoppe A, Linde K, Melchart D. Structure, realization and data synopsis of an observational study as part of the patient care evaluation programme on acupuncture (PEP-AC) drafted by German statutory insurance institutions.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 264-273
  • 87 Rogausch A, Brockmoller J, Himmel W. Pharmacogenetics in future medical care - Implications for patients and physicians.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 257-263
  • 88 Mutter J, Naumann J, Walach H, Daschner F. Amalgam risk assessment with coverage of references up to 2005.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 204-216
  • 89 Meyer T, Franz M. Perceptions of quality-of-life in schizophrenie persons.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 120-123
  • 90 Meinck M, Lubke N, Lauterberg J, Robra B P. Preventive home visits to the elderly. Systematic review of available evidence.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 732-738
  • 91 Wild C, Puig S. Me-too pharmaceuticals - Marketing-strategies of drug producers and drug purchasers. Example: Non-ionic contrast media.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 716-722
  • 92 Raible C, Leidl R. Does co-operation research provide approaches to explain the changes in the German hospital market?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 707-715
  • 93 Roske K, Hannover W, Kelbsch J, Thyrian J R, John U, Hapke U. The readiness of women postpartum to participate in smoking cessation counselling.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 697-702
  • 94 Hannover W, Thyrian J R, Roske K, Kelbsch J, John U, Hapke U. Interventions to prevent health risks due to tobacco smoke in pregnant women, women postpartum and their infants.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 688-696
  • 95 Weber A, Weltle D, Lederer P. Expectations and reality of occupational reintegration of teachers unfit for work.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 667-673
  • 96 Bussche H van den, Steinberg B, Brandis S von, Sperber S, Zimmermann T. Effectivity of an outpatient disease management programme for chronic heart insufficiency patients.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 656-660
  • 97 Ewers U, Boening D, Albrecht J, Radel R, Peter G, Uthoff T. Risk assessment of soil contamination in a residential area: The importance and role of human biological monitoring - a case report.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 536-544
  • 98 Ulbricht S, Meyer C, Schumann A, Rumpf H J, Bischof G, Hapke U. et al . Promoting the intention to quit smoking among GP patients.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 518-521
  • 99 Lampert T, Burger M. Smoking habits in Germany - Results of the German National Telephone Health Survey 2003.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 511-517
  • 100 Nagel G, Zoller D, Wiedmann T, Bussas U, Idrissi-Lamghari C, Kneisel J. et al . The use of the epidemiologie cancer registry Baden-Wurttemberg im the follow-up of the EPIC Cohort.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 469-474
  • 101 Wiborg G, Hanewinkel R, Isensee B, Horn W R. Development, implementation and assessment of a smoking cessation programme for adolescents and young adults.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 433-438
  • 102 Wegner C, Gutsch A, Hessel F, Wasem J. Loss in productivity cost due to smoking in Germany. A partial sickness cost analysis study based on the human capital potential method.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 423-432
  • 103 Davids E, Krause D A, Specka M, Gastpar M. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults: Descriptive analysis of an outpatient service in Germany.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 416-422
  • 104 Schmidt-Troschke S O, Ostermann T, Melcher D, Schuster R, Erben C M, Matthiessen P F. The use of methylphenidate in children: Analysis of prescription usage based in routine date of the statutory health insurance bodies concerning drug prescriptions.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 387-392
  • 105 Nubling R, Kriz D, Kress G, Schremmp C, Loschmann C, Schmidt J. Questioning of relatives - Potentials of internal quality management in institutions caring for the elderly.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 380-386
  • 106 Kupper B, Krause P, Glaesmer H, Wittchen H U. How do risk patients with overweight/obesity differ in their health knowledge and behaviour from patients with normal weight? A primary care study.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 361-369
  • 107 Kornhuber H H. Prevention of dementia (including Alzheimer's disease).  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 346-351
  • 108 Boschek H J, Konig C, Kugler K J. Children: Improving prevention and early advancement in children with disturbed behaviour and development in the Ennepe-Ruhr district.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 196-201
  • 109 Roske K, Riedel J, Hapke U, Wosniak R, Doese D, Ohde L. et al . Characteristics of patients with alcohol or drug problems in medical practices with emphasis on „addiction” in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 190-195
  • 110 Baumeister S E, Alte D, John U. Medical services utilisation: Which role does social support play? - Results from the study of health in pomerania (SHIP).  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 175-179
  • 111 Bromen K, Pannier-Fischer F, Stang A, Rabe E, Bock E, Jockel K H. Can sex-specific differences in venous diseases be explained by pregnancies and hormone intake?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 170-174
  • 112 Brzank P, Hellbernd H, Maschewsky-Schneider U, Kallischnigg G. Domestic violence against women - Its prevalence and the need for intervention.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 587
  • 113 Bodemer W, Kaup F J. Comments on present-day spread and epidemiology of BSE and prion diseases.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 21-25
  • 114 Schafer G, Schubert W, Bartels M, Foerster K. Liaison psychiatry in the prison of Rottenburg (Germany).  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 4-10
  • 115 Grube M. Ethnic minorities and aggressive behaviour in psychiatric in-patients: An investigation using a „matched-pair” design.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 11-15
  • 116 Reisch T, Vijayananda S, Gekle W, Tschacher W. A qualitative follow-up assessment two years after inpatient crisis intervention.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 16-22
  • 117 Krauss M, Waldmann K D. Comparative studies on in-patients following suicide attempts.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 23-27
  • 118 Steinert T, Schmid P. Voluntariness and coercion in patients with schizophrenia.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 28-33
  • 119 Dressing H, Salize H J. Compulsory admission of mentally ill patients in European Union member states.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 34-39
  • 120 Fischer M, Kemmler G, Meise U. „How nice that someone is interested in me for a change” - An investigation of the quality of life among relatives of long-term sufferers of schizophrenia.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 60-67
  • 121 Schafer I, Lauterwein N, Karow A, Naber D. Outpatient prescription of atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenic patients after discharge from hospital treatment.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 74-77
  • 122 Schlimme J, Emrich H M. The original paradigm of dependence - Historical and cultural aspects.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 78-82
  • 123 Gandjour A, Lauterbach K W. At what time is a reduction of medical under- or overtreatment sensible? Treatment of acute depression as an example.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 157-162
  • 124 Wilms H U, Mory C, Angermeyer M C. Illness related costs for spouses of patients suffering from a mental illness: Results of a study with repeated measurements.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 177-183
  • 125 Zechmeister I, Osterle A. „Suddenly, no more money was left” - The role of financing in the Austrian mental health care reform.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 184-191
  • 126 Haberfellner E M, Grausgruber A, Grausgruber-Berner R, Ortmair M, Schony W. Deinstitutionalization of long-stay psychiatric patients in upper Austria - Living situation, social and clinical characteristics more than one year after discharge.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 192-197
  • 127 Banger M, Wellnitz M, Gastpar M. The visit at home by a social worker of a psychiatric outpatient clinic.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 198-202
  • 128 Brieger P, Bloink R, Rottig S, Marneros A. Disability payments due to unipolar depressive and bipolar affective disorders.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 203-206
  • 129 Torchalla I, Albrecht F, Buchkremer G, Langle G. Homeless women with psychiatric disorders - A field study.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 228-235
  • 130 Vollm B, Becker H, Kunstmann W. Psychiatric morbidity in homeless single men.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 236-240
  • 131 Roick C, Heider D, Stengler-Wenzke K, Angermeyer M C. Frequent use of psychiatric inpatient services analysed from three different perspectives.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 241-249
  • 132 Frei A, Ajdacic-Gross V, Rossler W, Elch-Hochli D. Effects of depressive disorders on objective life quality criteria.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 298-303
  • 133 Brieger P, Rottig S, Marneros A. Quality of life in unipolar depressive and bipolar affective patients.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 304-309
  • 134 Wancata J, Benda N, Meise U, Windhaber J. Non-cognitive symptoms of dementia in nursing homes: frequency, course and consequences.  Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2003;  38 637-643
  • 135 Damian M, Kreis M, Krumm B, Hentschel F. Optimised neuro-psychological tests on different stages of dementia diagnostics.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 352-359
  • 136 Bickel H, Gradinger R, Kochs E, Wagner K, Forstl H. Incidence and risk factors of delirium after hip surgery.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 360-365
  • 137 Ehmann M, Riedel-Heller S G, Angermeyer M C. Understanding the mass destraction of nerve cells' dementia in a regional newspaper - A media analysis.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 366-368
  • 138 Bramesfeld A, Holler G. The impact of social welfare policies on the deinstitutionalisation of the mentally ill in Germany.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 387-394
  • 139 Baumann C, Loffler C, Curic A, Schmid E, Aster M von. Motor skills and psychiatric disturbances in children.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 395-399
  • 140 Sennekamp W, Basler B. Problematic consumption of addictive drugs in psychiatric rehabilitation.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 400-403
  • 141 Hewer W, Salize H J, Wolfersdorf M. Quality of care in internal medicine in German psychiatric hospitals.  Psychiat Prax. 2004;  31 404-408
  • 142 Hartel-Petri R, Rodler R, Schmeisser U, Steinmann J, Wolfersdorf M. Increasing prevalence of amphetamine- and methamphetamine-induced psychosis - Regional frequency in upper francomial bavaria.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 13-17
  • 143 Kropp S, Blanke U, Emrich H M. Involuntary hospitalisations in 2000 according to German „PsychKG” in the city of Hannover.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 18-22
  • 144 Rothenburg S, Cranz B, Hartmann H P, Petermann F. Inpatient treatment of mother and child in psychiatry. Relevant data of mother and child.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 23-30
  • 145 Rainer M K, Mucke H AM, Masching A J, Haushofer M, Karger M, Kasper S. et al . State of the art management of BPSD in dementia.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 31-38
  • 146 Beck M, Angermeyer M C, Brahler E. Is there a connection between right-wing extremism and social distancing from mentally ill people? Results from a representative survey among the adult German population.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 68-72
  • 147 Dressing H, Kuehner C, Gass P. Prevalence of stalking in Germany.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 73-78
  • 148 Watzke B, Buscher C, Koch U, Schulz H. Rehabilitative elements for the treatment of patients with mental disorders: Are they considered in the development of guidelines?.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 79-86
  • 149 Rummel C, Pitschel-Walz G, Kissling W. „Family members inform family members” - Family members as group moderators for psychoeducational groups in schizophrenia.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 87-92
  • 150 Friemel S, Bernert S, Angermeyer M C, Konig H H. The direct costs of depressive disorders in Germany results from the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 113-121
  • 151 Konig H H, Bernert S, Angermeyer M C. Measuring preferences for depressive health states a comparison of the EuroQol instrument, time-trade-off and contingent valuation.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 122-131
  • 152 Thome J, Kopf D. Haematological abnormalities during treatment with atypical antipsychotics.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 167-171
  • 153 Apfel T, Riecher-Rossler A. Do psychiatric patients receive disability pension before adequate diagnostics and treatment? Evaluation of 101 psychiatric expertises done on behalf of the swiss invalidity insurance at the psychiatric outpatient department Basel in 2002.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 172-176
  • 154 Roick C, Deister A, Zeichner D, Birker T, Konig H H, Angermeyer M C. The regional budget for mental health care: A new approach to combine inpatient and outpatient care.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 177-184
  • 155 Schneider B, Bartusch B, Schnabel A, Fritze J. Age and gender: Confounders for axis I disorders as risk factors for suicide.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 185-194
  • 156 Stengler-Wenzke K, Angermeyer M C. Employment of professional help by patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 195-201
  • 157 Wittmund B, Nause B, Angermeyer M C. Everyday burden of mentally ill people's spouses - Client orientated approaches in relatives' support.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 233-238
  • 158 Stoppe G, Otto A, Koller M, Staedt J. 7-year-follow-up investigations of the geriatric psychiatric inpatient service in a separated care at a state hospital (obligatory service) and an integrated care at a university hospital in Goettingen, Germany - I. Type of patients.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 239-244
  • 159 Angermeyer M C, Matschinger H. „What is a bipolar disorder?” - Results of a representative survey of the German population.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 289-291
  • 160 Grabe H J, Alte D, Adam C, Sauer S, John U, Freyberger H J. Mental distress and the use of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments services - Results of the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP).  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 299-303
  • 161 Kloocke R, Schmiedebach H P, Priebe S. Psychological trauma in psychiatric textbooks published in German - The dominating view of psychiatrists between 1945 and 2002.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 327-333
  • 162 Gutknecht H. Patient evaluation of day clinic treatment - Experience of treatment and change.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 342-348
  • 163 Reimer C, Trinkaus S, Jurkat H B. Suicidal tendencies of physicians - An overview.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 381-385
  • 164 Swoboda H, Sibitz I, Fruhwald S, Klug G, Bauer B, Priebe S. Job satisfaction and burnout in professionals in Austrian mental health services.  Psychiat Prax. 2005;  32 386-392
  • 165 Knolle H, Egli A, Candrian U. The perspective of global eradication of poliomyelitis.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 1-6
  • 166 Schreyogg J. Justice in health care systems from an economic perspective.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 7-14
  • 167 Gunzelmann T, Rusch B D, Brähler E. Attitudes towards eroticism and sexuality in the elderly over 60 years of age.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 15-20
  • 168 Langen U. Accidents - Places, circumstances, sequels. Results of a German Federal Health Survey 1998.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 21-28
  • 169 Wiesemann A, Engeser P, Reichert K, Mollien P, Schach S, Scheidt R. Quality of primary medical care after in-patient stroke rehabilitation - (HANS-study of GP).  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 29-36
  • 170 Schulze M, Hardt J, Ehret W. Interdisciplinary diagnostics in the outpatient treatment department of an environmental medical centre - Report on experience with 400 patients.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 37-42
  • 171 Seger W, Cibis W, Hagen T, Harai G, Heipertz W, Huller E. et al . Aspects of expertising which are jointly valid for German sociomedicine and statutory health care - Part II: Virtual case example.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 43-50
  • 172 Jungbauer J, Kamenik C, Alfermann D, Brähler E. How do young physicians assess their medical studies in retrospect? Results of a medical graduates' survey in Germany.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 51-56
  • 173 Zimmer S, Barthel C R, Jahn K R, Raab W HM. Dental group prophylaxis - for children only.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 57-61
  • 174 Walter U. Observance of legal preventive measures and implications for a comprehensive prevention law.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 69-75
  • 175 Zeeb H, Baune B T, Vollmer W, Cremer D, Kramer A. Health situation of and health service provided for adult migrants - a survey conducted during school admittance examinations.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 76-84
  • 176 Wittig U, Merbach M, Siefen R G, Brahler E. Complaints and health care system utilisation of ethnic German migrants from the former Soviet Union to Germany and their families.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 85-92
  • 177 Steenkiste M Van. Access to oral care and attitudes to the dentist by German and Turkish parents.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 93-101
  • 178 Helmert U, Buitkamp M. Changes in smoking habits in Germany between 1985 and 2002.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 102-106
  • 179 Schulz M, Topper M, Behrens J. Smoking habits of employees and patients in the psychiatric department of a general hospital.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 107-113
  • 180 Bischof G, Rumpf H J, Meyer C, Hapke U, John U. Medical care requested by smokers and at-risk alcohol consumers: Results of a representative population survey.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 114-120
  • 181 Wunderle W, Hittmann F, Schwarzkopf H von. Suggested procedure in dealing with chronically infected staff members (infections with HBV, HCV, HIV) in medical institutions in Bremen.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 121-125
  • 182 Rosenbrock R. Primary prevention and health promotion - Health science fundamentals for health policy.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 146-152
  • 183 Doyal L. Sex and gender. The challenges for epidemiologists.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 153-157
  • 184 Lange C, Lampert T. Perspectives of gender-sensitive health reporting.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 158-163
  • 185 Brzank P, Hellbernd H, Maschewsky-Schneider U. Domestic violence against women: Negative health consequences and need for care-results of an inquiry among first-aid-patients.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 164-169
  • 186 Kilian R, Angermeyer M C, Becker T. Methodological issues of naturalistic observational studies on the economic evaluation of schizophrenia drug treatment.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 180-185
  • 187 Braun B, Muller R. Transformation of inpatient treatment by the introduction of diagnosis-related groups (DRG) - The positive effects of research on the results of health policy.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 186-189
  • 188 Plumer K D, Trojan A. „Healthy Cities” - Requirements and performance.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 202-207
  • 189 Ahrens D. Health economy and health promotion - Self-responsibility for health?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 213-221
  • 190 Hansen H, Lutticke J, Pfaff H. Demands on and benefit from insurance-orientated hospital management findings from qualitative interviews with executive members of statutory health insurances.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 222-231
  • 191 Viviani R, Fischer J, Spitzer M, Freudenmann R W. A security protocol for the exchange of personal medical data via Internet: Monitoring treatment and drug effects.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 232-239
  • 192 Dressing H, Salize H J. Is there an increase in the number of compulsory admissions of mentally ill patients in European Union member states?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 240-245
  • 193 Bauer C, Rosemeier A. A handicap for life - Overweight and obesity in pre-school children in Karlsruhe.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 246-250
  • 194 Rothgang H, Niebuhr D, Wasem J, Gress S. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) - Agency for rationing health care services or model for evidence-based health care?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 303-310
  • 195 Brucker U, Hutzler D, Hasseler M. Prevention before care. Prevention by care. Prevention tasks of care.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 311-318
  • 196 Driller E, Pritzbuer E von, Pfaff H. Care required by disabled persons: Are official severe disability statistics good enough for requirement analyses?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 319-325
  • 197 Latza U, Stang A, Bergmann M, Kroke A, Sauer S, Holle R. et al . The problem of response in epidemiological studies in Germany (Part 1).  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 326-336
  • 198 Habermeyer E, Norra C. Stalking: Problems in differentiation between aberrant social behaviour and mental disorders.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 337-340
  • 199 Hartl H K, Ahonen M, Eidher U, Kunze M. AIDS prevention in Austrian schools - Informative campaign projects on HIV and AIDS in Vienna.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 341-345
  • 200 Simoes E, Boukamp K, Mayer E D, Schmahl F W. Is there any evidence for the impact of quality assurance or quality improvement methods in foreign countries?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 370-379
  • 201 Seger W, Schian H M, Steinke B, Heipertz W, Schuntermann M. Effects of ICF implementation on integrated rehabilitation in respect of public health, sociopolitics, sociomedicine and organisational problems - A preview of the implementation and of its consequences.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 393-399
  • 202 Helmert U, Strube H. Trends in the development and prevalence of obesity in Germany between 1985 and 2002.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 409-415
  • 203 Bergmann M M, Noethlings U, Eisinger B, Streller B, Quehl A, Walter D. et al . The importance of the common cancer registry for the identification of cancer cases in the EPIC potsdam-study - Results of the first record linkage.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 475-481
  • 204 Hoffmann W, Terschuren C, Holle R, Kamtsiuris P, Bergmann M, Kroke A. et al . The problem of response in epidemiologic studies in Germany (Part II).  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 482-491
  • 205 Albrecht D, Bramesfeld A. Facilities offered by community-oriented professional rehabilitation centres for mentally challenged persons in the Federal Republic of Germany.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 492-498
  • 206 Frick U, Lerch S, Rehm J, Crotti C. Pilot study on prescription of benzodiazepines in Switzerland: Does cognitive availability of legal rules affect medical presciption?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 499-504
  • 207 Croissant B, Klein O, Lober S, Mann K. Drug prevention at the place of work - Feasibility study in a large chemical company.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 505-510
  • 208 Krause G. Experiences of the German public health service with the implementation of a new infections disease control act - Results of focus group discussions.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 522-527
  • 209 Gabrio T, Broser S, Felder-Kennel A, Fichtner G, Kirsch H, Link B. et al . Determination of mould concentrations in homes and schools in Baden-Wurttemberg.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 528-535
  • 210 Janus K, Amelung V E. Integrated delivery systems in California - Ten years of experience and implications for Germany.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 649-655
  • 211 Wolf M, Rosenberger W. Notes on the German statutory health insurance modernisation law - A trend analysis from the dental surgeon's view.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 661-666
  • 212 Schroder C, Riedel S, Schmutzer G, Brahler E, Schwarz R. In-house-questioning on patient satisfaction in a general maximum care hospital complex - Report from practice.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 674-681
  • 213 Martin U, Sonntag A K, Neuhau B, Karch H. Surface desinfection in nursing homes - What is the actual state? Checkup study in three Duisburg nursing homes.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 682-687
  • 214 Gericke C A, Schiffhorst G, Busse R, Haussler B. A validated questionnaire for measuring patient satisfaction in general and specialist ambulatory medical care: The Qualiskope-A.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 723-731
  • 215 Ruth U, Wentzel A, Freisleder F J. Aspects of the legal concession and its procedures concerning the commitment of juveniles to safe custody institutions in youth welfare care according to German xi 1631b BGB - An inquiry into 101 cases of adolescent psychiatric expertises.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 739-747
  • 216 Bohler T, Alex C, Becker E, Becker R, Hoffmann S, Hutzler D. et al . Quality indicators for ambulatory health education programme for overweight and obese children and adolescents.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 748-753
  • 217 Nienhaus A, Rojahn K, Skudlik C, Wulfhorst B, Dulon M, Brandenburg S. Secondary individual prevention and rehabilitation in female hairdressers suffering from skin diseases.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 759-764
  • 218 Lauenroth N, Swart E. „Loss of perspective is my disease” - Subjective feelings of long-term unemployed.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 765-769
  • 219 Handeler E. When will health finally become a growth factor?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 775-778
  • 220 Hauri A M, Westbrock H J, Fitzenberger J, Dreesman J. Investigation of a listeriosis cluster: How complete are laboratory-based reports?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 779-782
  • 221 Dreesman J, Scharlach H. Spatial-statistical analysis of infectious disease notification data in Lower Saxony.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 783-789
  • 222 Ehrhard I, Arndt U. Public health management in invasive meningococcal diseases.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 790-795
  • 223 Richter I. Communal health promotion in child and adolescent health services - Report on the experience with a organisational model for setting up an interdisciplinary network in a socially important area.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 796-801
  • 224 Steingass S, Klein B, Pavel K, Ruf U, Walter K, Weiss V. Transparency in patient care - Survey of bedsores on communal level to promote quality assurance.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 802-805
  • 225 Becker W, Hilbert T. Gastrostromy tube feeding of elderly inpatients in Bremen.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 806-811
  • 226 Elgeti H. Assessing the planning of support programmes.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 812-815
  • 227 Ackermann A. VC and DCE in groundwater and drainage channel water - Exposure by drinking water, breathing air, food chain, groceries. Burden of sediments. Risk estimation. Spot checks in groceries.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 816-820
  • 228 Hennighausen R H. Assessment of health-risk groups by the German Public Health Service and realisation of preventive measures.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 821-826
  • 229 Thriene B. Garbage incineration plants - Planning, organisation and operation from health point of view.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 827-832
  • 230 Thomeczek C, Bock W, Conen D, Ekkernkamp A, Everz D, Fischer G. et al . Glossary on patient safety - A contribution to on-target-definition and to appreciate the subjects of „patient safety”.  Gesundheitswesen. 2004;  66 833-840
  • 231 Albus C, Backer G De, Bages N, Deter H C, Herrmann-Lingen C, Oldenburg B. et al . Psychosocial factors in coronary heart disease - Scientific evidence and recommendations for clinical practice.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 1-8
  • 232 Klaus B, Ritter A, Hulsewiesche H G, Beyrle B, Euler H U, Fender H. et al . Study of the quality of codification of diagnoses and procedures under DRG conditions.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 9-19
  • 233 Stoppe G, Pirk O, Haupt M. Treatment of Alzheimer's disease utilising the best available evidence-based medicine - Utopia?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 20-26
  • 234 Fell G, David C, Reintjes R. Vaccinations in early infancy - Results of an epidemiological cross-sectional study in Hamburg.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 27-32
  • 235 Pallasch G, Salman R, Hartwig C. Improvement of protection given by vaccination for socially underprivileged groups on the basis of „key persons approach” - Results of an intervention based on cultural and language aspects for children of immigrants in Altlander Viertel provided by the health department of Stade.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 33-38
  • 236 Baumeister S E, Alte D, Meyer C, John U. Health risk drinking and problematic consumption of alcohol in Pomerania: Comparative analysis of the study of health in Pomerania (SHIP) compared with the Federal German Health and Examination Survey in 1998.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 39-47
  • 237 Twardella D, Bruckner T, Blettner M. Statistical analysis of community-based studies - Presentation and comparison of possible solutions with reference to statistical meta-analytic methods.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 48-55
  • 238 Brennecke R. Requirements of a future-oriented social medicine.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 81-88
  • 239 Helmert U, Cacace M, Grimmeisen S, Wendt C, Rothgang H. The changing role of the state in health care systems in OECD countries - Research questions, research design and first results.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 89-95
  • 240 Simoes E, Bauer S, Schwoerer P, Schmahl F W. The structurising effect of minimum quantitative requirements for inpatient care.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 96-100
  • 241 Swart E. What do we conclude from re-admissions on quality of inpatient care?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 101-106
  • 242 Werblow A. Efficiency of GP practices in Switzerland.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 107-111
  • 243 Baumhove O, Schroter K H. The effect of an optimized organisation in the OR environment regarding employee's health and satisfaction.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 112-116
  • 244 Brambrink M, Rieger M, Heine U. Strategic controlling to considerate social demographic changes in social medical services.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 117-119
  • 245 Fuchs J. Deficits and outlook on gender-specific health care as exemplified by CHD and mental disorders.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 124-128
  • 246 Muters S, Lampert T, Maschewsky-Schneider U. Self-rated health as predictor for mortality.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 129-136
  • 247 Windel I. „Learning to live healthy” - Health management in schools. Health promotion in schools with particular consideration of socially disadvantaged students.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 137-140
  • 248 Schumacher L, Nieskens B, Brauer H, Sieland B. Subtainable health promotion via organisational development - A project for teachers in professional training schools.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 141-144
  • 249 Schubert R. Area-wide tooth-praphylaxis methods and locating increased needs in prophylaxis in Braunschweig 2003/2004.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 145-149
  • 250 Suss W, Glismann W, Trojan A. Integrated sustainability - Oriented reporting - Key indicators for counties and cities.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 150-154
  • 251 Mittag O, Meyer T, Deck R, Kohlmann T, Matthis C, Schafer I. et al . Missing data in the somatisation subscale of the SCL-90-R due to a „checklist effect”: Occurrence in different surveys and results of various imputation methods.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 155-158
  • 252 Ates T, Langer B, Erbas B, Tretter F, Wehner B. Assessment of cost-benefit analysis in integration projects on drug addiction.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 159-162
  • 253 Konig H H, Bernert S, Angermeyer M C. Health status of the German population: Results of a representative survey using the EuroQol questionnaire.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 173-182
  • 254 Knerr I, Topf H G, Hablawetz B, Stohr W, Dotsch J, Rascher W. et al . Early factors influencing body weight and prevalence of overweight in 4610 children prior to school entry in the Erlangen district (Northern Bavaria).  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 183-188
  • 255 Hagemeyer O, Butz M, Otten H. Ratio of confirmed versus suspected occupational diseases as a parameter of quality.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 189-195
  • 256 Klingenberger D. Effects of the new German quarterly practice fee on dental treatment - Cost-benefit analysis.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 196-203
  • 257 Hoffmann W, Latza U, Terschuren C. Guidelines and recommendations for ensuring good epidemiological practice (GEP) - Revised version after evaluation.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 217-225
  • 258 Hartwig J, Heese K, Waller H, Machleidt W. Notes on the care of mentally ill residents in nursing homes in the uelzen county district.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 274-279
  • 259 Rommel A. Migration and rehabilitation of mental diseases - Perspectives and limitations in the reporting of official data of service providers.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 280-288
  • 260 Noack M, Schneider T, Nosper M. Eva-Reha: A computer software supporting outcome-based quality management in medical rehabilitation.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 289-295
  • 261 Gabrio T, Broser S, Erdinger L, Felder-Kennel A, Fichtner G, Haberle E. et al . Humanbiomonitoring investigations of organochlorine compounds - PCB, DDE, HCB, beta- and gamma-HCH, PCDD/PCDF, dioxin-like PCB's and polybrominated biphenyl ethers.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 302-311
  • 262 Portwich P. Evidence-based medicine - Method, critical appraisal and usefulness for professionalised medical practice.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 319-324
  • 263 Lubbe W. Economic efficiency and fairness: Two ethical criteria?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 325-331
  • 264 Kallert T W, Leisse M, Kulke C, Kluge H. Evidence for community mental health care services in Germany: Overview of currently available empirical results.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 342-354
  • 265 Erler A, Fuchs J. An example for a practice-oriented curriculum in social medicine under the conditions of the new medical licensing regulations - Experiences with practice-oriented teaching and possibilities for including practical issues into the teaching syllabus of social medicine after the introduction of the new medical licensing regulations.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 355-360
  • 266 Becker E, Horn S, Hussla B, Irle H, Knorr I, Korsukewitz C. et al . Guidelines for the sociomedical assessment of performance in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 396-415
  • 267 Swart E, Ihle P, Geyer S, Grobe T, Hofmann W. GPS - Good practice secondary data analysis.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 416-421
  • 268 Fuchs A, Sielk M, Altiner A, Wilm S. Different methods of performance assessment for medical students in general practice - a comparison.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 432-437
  • 269 Walter J, Radun D, Claus H, Hamouda O, Stark K. Hepatitis B and C risk factors in Germany - Results of the national surveillance.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 441-447
  • 270 Urbschat I, Kieschke J, Schlanstedt-Jahn U, Gehlen S V, Thiel A, Jensch P. Contributions of the epidemiological cancer registries to the evaluation of mammography screening in Germany.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 448-454
  • 271 Loss J, Eichhorn C, Nagel E. Knowledge of colorectal cancer prevention in the Bavarian population above 50 years - Survey in two districts.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 455-460
  • 272 Bull N, Wittmund B, Wilms H U, Guhne U, Angermeyer M C. A programme to assist close relatives and lifelong partners in caring for persons suffering from depressions or schizophrenie disorders.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 478-484
  • 273 Mazurek B, Georgiewa P, Seydel C, Haupt H, Scherer H, Klapp B F. et al . Integrated intensive treatment of tinnitus: Method and initial results.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 485-491
  • 274 Flessa S, Muller O. Possible effects of climatic changes on the spread of malaria tropica - Results of a strategical simulation.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 492-497
  • 275 Mielck A, Huber C A. Income reduction due to sickness benefits - When does sickness make you poor?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 587-593
  • 276 Uschold P, Potthoff P, Torne I von, Guther B. The new private health insurance subscribers.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 594-604
  • 277 Michelmann H, Himmel W. Reproductive medicine in Germany - Peculiarities and dilemmas.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 605-612
  • 278 Trosken T, Geraedts M. Accessibility of doctors' surgeries in Essen, Germany.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 613-619
  • 279 Gaber E, Hundertmark-Mayser J. Health related self-help groups - Participation and information level in Germany - Results of the German Telephone Health Survey 2003.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 620-629
  • 280 Ihle P, Koster I, Herholz H, Rambow-Bertram P, Schardt T, Schubert I. Sample survey of persons insured in statutory health insurance institutions in Hessen - Concept and realisation of person-related data base.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 638-645
  • 281 Neuhauser H, Ellert U, Ziese T. Chronic back pain in the general population in Germany 2002/2003: Prevalence and highly affected population groups.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 685-693
  • 282 Mohrmann M, Lotz-Metz G, Hannes W, Bohler T. Quality assurance of outpatient nursing services in Baden-Wurttemberg - Overall view of 6 years of a total survey by the medical services of the statutory health insurance (MDK).  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 694-700
  • 283 Meng K, Zdrahal-Urbanek J, Frank S, Holderied A, Vogel H. Criteria for assessing the need for rehabilitation and for sanctioning refund claims - Wurzburg rating scale for sociomedical expertising on the need for rehabilitation and on the justification of refund demands on statutory insurance.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 701-708
  • 284 Richter M. The role of social inequality for adolescent health.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 709-718
  • 285 Schenk L, Neuhauser H. Participation of migrants in health surveys conducted by telephone: Potential and limits.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 719-725
  • 286 Lepping P. Analysis of the ethical consequences of the new proposed mental health legislation (Mental Health Bill 2004) for England and Wales.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 726-728
  • 287 Lehnert M, Eberle A, Hentschel S, Katalinic A, Kieschke J, Schmidtmann I. et al . Malignant melanoma of the skin as evidenced by epidemiological cancer registries in Germany - Incidence, clinical parameters, variations in recording.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 729-735
  • 288 Krauth C, Hessel F, Hansmeier T, Wasem J, Seitz R, Schweikert B. Empirical standard costs for health economic evaluation in Germany - a proposal by the working group methods in health economic evaluation.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 736-746
  • 289 Schneider N, Buser K, Janus K, Brandes I, Amelung V E. Concepts for a demand-oriented structuring of palliative care in the German health care system: The example of Lower Saxony.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 755-762
  • 290 Boerner S, Dutschke E, Schwammle A. Doing voluntary extra work? Organizational citizenship behavior in the hospital - a comparison between physicians and nurses.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 770-776
  • 291 Morgenroth H, Hellenbrand W, Dreja I, Kahl J, Terhardt M, Vogel M. et al . The vaccination coverage among children aged 24 - 30 months in pediatric offices November 1999-May 2001. The influence of socio-demographic characteristics.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 788-794
  • 292 Latza U, Hoffmann W, Terschuren C, Chang-Claude J, Kreuzer M, Rosario A S. et al . Smoking as potential confounder in German epidemiological studies: Standardization of assessment, quantification, and analysis.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 795-802
  • 293 Merzenich H, Giersiepen K, Kieschke J, Zeeb H. Screening for colorectal cancer: What is the most effective strategy?.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 803-808
  • 294 Ewers U, Rosskamp E, Heudorf U, Mergner H J. 10 years guideline for the remediation of PCB-contaminated buildings - a hygienic and toxicological re-evaluation.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 809-819
  • 295 Akbar O. The self healing power of cities - Quality of urban life.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 827-831
  • 296 Mohammadzadeh Z, Tempel G. Senior migrants in bremen: Demographic structure, social condition and healthstatus.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 832-839
  • 297 Reintjes R, Krumkamp R. Methods of infectious disease epidemiology for public health services: Case-case studies as bridge between practical work, surveillance and epidemiology.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 840-844
  • 298 Heissenhuber A, Hautmann W, Arenz S, Kugler R, Kleih W, Ludwig S. et al . Accumulated occurrence of illnesses with Salmonella Enteritidis in hospitals and nursing homes in the district Oberallgaeu, Bavaria, in July 2004.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 845-852
  • 299 Hautmann W, Harms I, Vogel U, Zirngibl A, Wildner M. Cluster of meningococcal diseases in Allgaeu - Strategies for intervention.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 853-857
  • 300 Burckhardt F, Heissenhuber A, Morlock G, Busch U, Schindler P, Fruth A. et al . Risk factors for abundance of shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli in sewage water.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 858-861
  • 301 Szagun B, Preuss S. Gender-specific health reporting in the „bodenseekreis” about the future topic of health in boys and men.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 862-868
  • 302 Dressing H, Gass P, Kuhner C, Habermeyer E. Psychiatric significance of stalking.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 869-871
  • 303 Schulze A, Ehrmann K, Schunk S, Potschke-Langer M. Results of two nationwide „Quit and Win”-campaigns.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 872-878
  • 304 Roick C, Angermeyer M C, Riedel-Heller S. The importance of the topic prevention in social-psychiatric research. A systematic literature analysis.  Gesundheitswesen. 2005;  67 879-886

Sandra Dietrich

Universität Leipzig · Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie

Johannisallee 20

04317 Leipzig
